AP human geo chapter 2 review
Human Geography [1]
Demography [2]
population [3]
Life expectancy [5]
Malthusianism [10]
World population [11]
Mortality rate [12]
Human overpopulation [13]
Period 1, Chapter 2 Important Topics Arithmetic and Physiologic Population Density Population Distribution (Dot Maps) Population Data (Census) Population Growth at Different Scales Thomas Malthus RNI, BR, DR, Immigration, Emigration, TFR DTM Population Pyramids Influence of Health Conditions on Population Diseases (Infectious, Chronic, Genetic, Endemic/Epidemic/Pandemic) Government Instituted Policies to Control Population (Expansive, Eugenic, Restrictive) Multiple Choice Explanations B: Japan, none of the other countries have as long of a life expectancy. B: Guatemala because it is a peripheral country in the tropics, which means that the birth rate is high and the average life expectancy is short.