Timeline Pictures Defination
World History [1]
Umayyad Caliphate: Split into 2 groups Abbasid Caliphate: Women covered in clothing Mongols: Small Horse OR Bow Great Khan: not accepted IL ? Khan: Timur reorganized the IL-Khan after its decline Golden Horde: Islam (First) Jagadai: in the middle, surrounded Byzantine: Plague + Crusades Kievan Rus: Christianity/Orthodox church brought stone buildings Charlemagne (King of Franks): Began Christianity in west Rome Norman Conquest: William killing king of England Middle Ages: Decline of everything ? person ??? person. Map Ghana: Tax Mali: Gold Pk erson Songhay: Salt Sui: United China Tang: Silk Road decline Song: Rice Yuan: Ships (Junks) Ming: Porcelain Koryo: Books Kamakura (Japan): Storm. Ashikaga (Japan): Territory was changing hands often. Civil War was usual.