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Abbasid Caliphate

Timeline Pictures Defination

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Umayyad Caliphate: Split into 2 groups Abbasid Caliphate: Women covered in clothing Mongols: Small Horse OR Bow Great Khan: not accepted IL ? Khan: Timur reorganized the IL-Khan after its decline Golden Horde: Islam (First) Jagadai: in the middle, surrounded Byzantine: Plague + Crusades Kievan Rus: Christianity/Orthodox church brought stone buildings Charlemagne (King of Franks): Began Christianity in west Rome Norman Conquest: William killing king of England Middle Ages: Decline of everything ? person ??? person. Map Ghana: Tax Mali: Gold Pk erson Songhay: Salt Sui: United China Tang: Silk Road decline Song: Rice Yuan: Ships (Junks) Ming: Porcelain Koryo: Books Kamakura (Japan): Storm. Ashikaga (Japan): Territory was changing hands often. Civil War was usual.

Timeline Dates

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Umayyad Caliphate (Preceded Abbasid): (661-750 CE) Abbasid Caliphate: (750-1258 CE) came after Umayyad (Islam), gained power through trickery. Mongols: (1206 -1368 CE) 4 Khanates: Great Khan (Mongolia/Southern China): 1250 ? 1368, Chinese had less power, change IL ? Khan (Middle East): 1256 - 1339 Golden Horde (East Southern Russia): 1240 - 1400 Jagadai (North of India/Between other 3): 1225 - 1650 Byzantine: (330 ? 1453) Kievan Rus: (882 ? 1237) Charlemagne: (747-814) Norman Conquest: (1065- 1070) Middle Ages: (476 - 1500) Ghana (Preceded Mali): (400 ? 1153) Mali: (1230 - 1481) Songhay: (1375 ? 1591) Chinese: Sui: (581 ? 615) Capital is Chang?an Tang: (618 - 907) Capital is Chang?an. West Silk Road trade. Block Printing & Clock & Porcelain in (700s) & Explosive powder in (800s)


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UMAYYAD AND ABBASID CALIPHATES COMPARED Category Umayyad Caliphate Abbasid Caliphate Origin Political Economic Social Decline (657-750CE) Umayyad clan starts as a foe to Muhammad. They are defeated at Mecca by Muhammad?s forces but are embraced by Muhammad and become a powerful Muslim clan that will lead the faith after Muhammad.


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SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 Islamic Civilization Umayyad Abbasid Time Period 661-750 A.D. 750-1258 Geographic Description -began in Arabia, moved out of peninsula both west -Egypt, across North Africa as far as Spain (Moors), east to Persia and Northern India (Indus); northern boundary was the Byzantine Empire -Religion spread Africa, Asia, Southern Europe via trade and conquest -by 700, conquered Spain (west)?Central Asia (east) -Holy city = Mecca (hajj) and also Medina (hijra) smaller geographically than Umayyad, centered in Middle East more extensive trade not only overland but overseas but dominated the Indian Ocean Trade Network Political -1st Caliphate

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Aachen capital Western European Empire Charlemagne ruled empire Set three embassies to Abbasid Empire in Baghdad, received three Dealt with safety of pilgrims and merchants travelling in Syria and Palestine Relations between Charlemagne?s realm and Muslim Spain Policy towards Byzantine empire which lay between them Charlemagne?s empire was weak and poor compared to Abbasid and on its way to dissolving, although for a while it had looked like they had potential Due to the fact that European societies developed more slowly than Asia, China, India etc., Europe was mostly disengaged from world trading until about the 10th century Three developments served as foundations of the powerful European empire

Five Pillars of Islam

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F I VE P I L L A R S O F I S L A M Muslims must acknowledge Allah as the only god and Muhammad as his prophet. They must pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca. They must observe a fast during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan They must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and poor. Those who are physically and financially able must undertake the hajj and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca. J O U R N A L E N T R I E S 1. Dear Journal,

Chapter 6

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Roop Kaur WHAP period 5 September 13,2013 Chapter 6 : The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam Arabian Peninsula Barely inhabited due to its desert and arid weather people settled mainly near coastal plains Bedouin nomads (camel and goat herders) wandered on the desert bouncing from oasis to oasis trading goods and herding animals shaped by the culture of the bedouins:a. Kin-related clans which formed larger tribes led by shaykhs b.Interclan rivalry for resources c. Had religion that blended animism and polytheism Many bedouin clans helped spread the beliefs of the prophet Muhammad. Bedouin = nomadic Clans, Towns and Long-distance trade, Marriage and family in Pre-Islamic Arabia

Chapter 10 AP World

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10.3 Muslim culture Muslim Society The Rise of Muslim cities -Cities, which symbolized strength very impressive, Baghdad was the capital city of the Abbasids, which was carefully planned. Four Social Classes - Bagdad population made up of different cultures/social classes ? Islam made up of four classes ? upper class are Muslims at birth ? second class were converts ? third class consisted of protected people, and the lowest class were the slaves who either performed housework or military. Role of Women - the quran states that women should obey men ? still equal as believers ? Shar?ia gave Muslim women legal rights ? more rights that most women of time ? very easy divorce method

Chapter 07 Reading Selection - Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to south and Southeast Asia

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  1. Introduction

    By the middle of the ninth century C.E., the Abbasid dynasty had begun to lose control over its empire. Rebellious states, military regimes, and religious dissenters broke apart the political unity of Islam. Mongol armies finally conquered the steadily diminishing Abbasid heartland in the 13th century C.E. Although the political unity of Islam was forever shattered, the last centuries of Abbasid rule witnessed a period of cultural creativity and the expansion of Islam into South and Southeast Asia and Africa.


  2. The Islamic Heartlands in the Middle and Late Abbasid Eras


Chapter 07 Reading Selection - Abbasid Decline and the Spread of Islamic Civilization to south and Southeast Asia

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Introduction By the middle of the ninth century C.E., the Abbasid dynasty had begun to lose control over its empire. Rebellious states, military regimes, and religious dissenters broke apart the political unity of Islam. Mongol armies finally conquered the steadily diminishing Abbasid heartland in the 13th century C.E. Although the political unity of Islam was forever shattered, the last centuries of Abbasid rule witnessed a period of cultural creativity and the expansion of Islam into South and Southeast Asia and Africa. The Islamic Heartlands in the Middle and Late Abbasid Eras Introduction


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