AP Euro Protestant Reformation
European History [1]
Luther - beliefs ? Justification by faith alone ? Believes in two sacraments ? Baptism ? communion/Eucharist ? Transubstantiation - bread and wine into body and blood of god ? 1517 -95 theses HRE ? 1519 - Maximilian dies ? Charles I (V HRE)? vs Francis I (had pope?s support) ? Hapsburg (Maximilian's grandson) ? Bribery of electors ? Promised more concessions and autonomy to principalities ? Fortunate for reformation - no unified imperial opposition ? 1521 - diet of worms (charles V) ? Luther does not recant and is excommunicated Wars of Charles V ? 1) against France ? 4 Hapsburg Valois wars ? 2) Against Turks ? Required German troops ? Grant German princes the power to enforce edict of worms as they see fit