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Christian theology

Doctrine and Principle Journal 8

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Rachel Miller May 11, 2017 Brother Chapman Doctrinal Master 3 ? Ether 12:27 Ether 12:27 ? ?And if men come unto me I will show unto them their?weakness. I?give?unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my?grace?is sufficient for all men that?humble?themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make?weak?things become strong unto them.? Doctrine: God gives us trials to make us stronger and to humble us. Cross Reference: Jacob 4:7 ? ?Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our?weaknessthat we may know that it is by his?grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things.?

AP Euro Protestant Reformation

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Luther - beliefs ? Justification by faith alone ? Believes in two sacraments ? Baptism ? communion/Eucharist ? Transubstantiation - bread and wine into body and blood of god ? 1517 -95 theses HRE ? 1519 - Maximilian dies ? Charles I (V HRE)? vs Francis I (had pope?s support) ? Hapsburg (Maximilian's grandson) ? Bribery of electors ? Promised more concessions and autonomy to principalities ? Fortunate for reformation - no unified imperial opposition ? 1521 - diet of worms (charles V) ? Luther does not recant and is excommunicated Wars of Charles V ? 1) against France ? 4 Hapsburg Valois wars ? 2) Against Turks ? Required German troops ? Grant German princes the power to enforce edict of worms as they see fit

Western Medieval Europe vs. Byzantine Empire

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Medieval Europe/Roman Catholic Church Byzantine Empire/Eastern Orthodox Church Both mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone practiced Christianity mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone -many cities mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone -a lof of trade -great wealth mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone -rural and agricultural mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone -not as wealthy mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone mpedone

notes ch6 key issue 2

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Chapter 6 Key Issue 2 Christianity was founded upon teachings of Jesus Roman Catholic belief- god convey his grace through seven sacraments Eastern Orthodoxy comprise the faith and practices of collection of churchs in the 5th century Protestantism originated with principles of Reformation in 16th century origin of islam- traces its origin to same narrative as Judaism and Christianity they all believe adam to be first man and abraham to been one of descendants Jews and Christians trace their story through abraham oringinal wife sarah and son issac also the origin of the other universalr

Important Terms

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Ch. 3 Terms Protestant Reformation- The Protestant Reformation started when Martin Luther disagreed with what was happening with the Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation started a chain of events and caused England to separate from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther- Luther was a friar that protested Catholic doctrines. He did not approve of people paying the church to remove their sins. He started the ?Protestant Reformation.? Predestination- Calvinism, started by John Calvin, thought that people were predestined for where they were going to end up after death.

essay/outline for reformation of nation states

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P1: How did the Reformation impact the development of the 16th century nation-state? Thesis Paragraph: The first half of the 16th Century saw the Reformation destabilize Christendom and bring a sense of chaos throughout Europe. By the 1550’s, the social and religious aspects of the Reformation seemed to stabilize, causing a wave of political instability. The French nobles and merchants seemed to convert to Calvinism in hopes of decentralizing France. In the Spanish Habsburg Empire, the rebellions Calvinist Dutch seemed to threaten the stability of Philip’s empire. In England, the chaos of the age seemed to actually stabilize England as a nation-state under the reign of Elizabeth.

Protestant Reformation notes

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Review for Exam 9/14/10 8:28 AM Protestantism- protesting the catholic faith Faults of the Catholic church: Simony Selling of indulgences: selling a way out of purgatory Multiple benefices Plentitude of goodness Many were illiterate Many were not celibate Luther: Doesn?t believe that the church should make laws that are not in the bible Thinks that priests should not have to stay single Believed in a more direct connection with God Writes 95 thesis and nails it to the church door Salvation is not from good works or from sacrament, it is only from faith Luther?s beliefs: Priesthood of all believers Celibacy should be abolished Bible is the ultimate authority Only the grace of God brings salvation (aka fasting confession ect are useless)
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