AP Government Legislation Review Flashcards
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9584075934 | Judiciary Act of 1789 | Congress established federal judiciary (below supreme court) | 0 | |
9584075935 | Alien & Sedition Act of 1798 | President can imprison/deport those considered dangerous;made it a crime to publish criticism against the government | 1 | |
9584075936 | Pendleton Act of 1883 | Attempted to eliminate spoils by creating merit base system for federal jobs; included civil service exam and Office of Personal Management (OPM) | 2 | |
9584075937 | Social Security Act of 1935 | Social insurance program funded through payroll tax; covered unemployment insurance initially, but now retirement, disability, and death | 3 | |
9584075938 | Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Social Security Act of 1935) | Federal Program that gave per child payments to families below a certain mean level | 4 | |
9584075939 | Hatch Act of 1939 | Prohibits federal employees from taking an active role in politics (e.g. fundraising at work, running for office, etc.) | 5 | |
9584075940 | Civil Rights Act of 1964 | Banned discrimination in public facilities and voter registration | 6 | |
9584075941 | Medicare Act of 1965 | National health insurance programs for the elderly and disabled | 7 | |
9584075942 | Voting Rights Act of 1965 | Outlawed literacy tests, | 8 | |
9584075943 | Medicaid (Title XIX of Social Security Act of 1965) | Joint federal/state program that provides medical benefits for low-income persons | 9 | |
9584075944 | 1966 Freedom of Information Act | FOIA forced the federal government to make most public records accessible to citizens; some limits remain (national security) | 10 | |
9584075945 | 1970 Clean Air Act | Requires EPA to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborn contaminants that are known to be hazardous to human health | 11 | |
9584075946 | War Powers Resolution of 1973 | Attempt to limit President's power to wage war without approval from Congress; President must remove US armed forces within 60 days (up to 90 days for withdrawal) if Congress has not declared war or passed a joint resolution in support of the action | 12 | |
9584075947 | Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 | Reforms the federal budget process so that Congress has more input; President may not impound or rescind funds without Congressional approval | 13 | |
9584075948 | Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 | Hard money contributions limited to $1000 by individuals, $5000 by PACs; unregulated "soft money" contributions unintended consequence. | 14 | |
9584075949 | Title IX (1974) | Gender equity in educational programs including athletics | 15 | |
9584075950 | 1986 Gramm Rudmann Budget Act | Congress established a procedure to gradually reduce the federal deficit to 0; established ceiling limits, then across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending to take place automatically starting w/Defense; entitlement spending exempt from caps | 16 | |
9584075951 | 1986 Immigration Reform & Control Act | Criminalized the act of knowingly hiring an undocumented worker and established financial and other penalties for those employing illegal aliens | 17 | |
9584075952 | 1989 Whistleblower Protection Act | Makes it for federal employees to report wrongdoing on part of their boss or agency without retribution | 18 | |
9584075953 | Civil Rights Act of 1991 | Guarantees jury trial and possibility of damages against employers in discrimination cases | 19 | |
9584075954 | 1993 North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement | NAFTA called for dramatic reductions of tariffs among the US, Canada, and Mexico; criticized by labor unions and others that jobs would move to where labor was cheaper | 20 | |
9584075955 | 1993 Family Medical Leave Act | Gave unpaid emergency leave for employees w/ a guarantee that they will not lose their job in interim (includes maternity and paternity leave) | 21 | |
9584075956 | 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act | The Brady Bill required 5 day waiting period on firearm purchases and mandated criminal background checks by dealers | 22 | |
9584075957 | 1993 Motor Voter Act | Enables people to register to vote at motor vehicle departments | 23 | |
9584075958 | 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A) | States may deny "marriage-like arrangements (e.g. civil unions) recognized in other states; defines marriage for federal purposes as union between one man and one woman | 24 | |
9584075959 | Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act (Welfare Reform Act of 1996) | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | 25 | |
9584075960 | 2001 USA Patriot Act | Expands authority of US law enforcement for purpose of fighting terrorism (expands FBI electronic surveillance capabilities; foreign student monitoring program | 26 | |
9584075961 | 2002 No Child Left Behind Act | Increases standards of accountability for states and public schools; provide parents more flexibility in choosing schools | 27 | |
9584075962 | McCain-Feingold 2004 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) | Bans "soft money" in political campaigns; increases hard money contributions to $2000 per candidate, 10k to national party committees | 28 | |
9584075963 | 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus package) | Economic stimulus package to save and create jobs, provide temporary relief programs for those most impacted by the recession and invest in infrastructure, education, health, and renewable energy | 29 | |
9584075964 | 2010 Affordable Care Act (Obamacare; A.C.A.) | Requires insurance companies to cover all applicants and offer the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex, increased competition, regulation, and incentives to streamline the delivery of healthcare. | 30 |