World History [1]
Computer Science [8]
Pg.71 20) The difference between a message and a method is that a method is when a message is sent to an object. 21)double nextDouble()- returns a double entered by the user at the keyboard, and void println (double n)- Writes N to the print stream. Pg.73 22.a) Valid 22.b) Valid 22.c) Invalid 22.d) Invalid 22.e) Valid 23.a) diameterOfACircleIsX 23.b) xIsStandardDeductionForIncomeTeaxReturn 23.c) methodDrawsRectangle Pg.74 24) In the statement "import x.y.z;", X is the overall name of the package, Y is the name of a subsection within the package, and Z is the name of a particular class in the subsection.