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AP Euro Notes Sec 27-2 pp.868-872 AND 876- 888 Nalani Story THE AFTERMATH OF THE WAR: EMERGENCE OF THE COLD WAR Tehran Conference (1943) Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill, the leaders of the Big Three of the Grand Alliance, met at Tehran, Iran in November of 1943 primary purpose was to determine the way the final assault on Germany would be conducted Roosevelt and Stalin overruled Churchill and decided that the British and Americans would invade the continent through France in the Spring of 1944 not through the Balkans as Churchill wanted decision meant that Eastern Europe would be liberated by the Russians agreed to link up with the Soviets in Germany and partition Germany upon its defeat Yalta Conference (1945)


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AP Euro Notes Sec 27-1 pp. 842 -855 Nalani Story THE DEEPENING OF THE EUROPEAN CRISIS: WW II PRELUDE TO WAR (1933-1939) ---the efforts at collective security in the 1920s---the League of Nations, the attempts at disarmament, the pacts and the treaties---all proved meaningless in view of the growth of Nazi Germany and its deliberate scrapping of the postwar settlement in the 1930s ---World War II was largely made possible by the failure of Britain and France to oppose strongly flagrant German violations of the Treaty of Versailles The Path to War (1937-1939) at a secret conference with his military leaders on November 5, 1937, Hitler stated that Germany?s ultimate goal must be the conquest of living space in the east


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AP Euro Notes Sec 25-2 pp. 789-794 Nalani Story War and Revolution Russia experienced kind of complete collapse in 1917 that others were predicting might happen throughout Euro Out of Russia?s collapse came Russian Revolution?whose impact would be widely felt in Euro for decades to come The Russian Revolution Revolution 1905=failed to bring substantial changes to Russia Tsar Nicholas II relied on army & bureaucracy to uphold his regime WWI magnified Russia?s problems and severely challenged tsarist gov?t Tsar, possessed of strong sense of moral duty to his country.= only Euro monarch to take personal charge of armed forces, despite a lack of training for such an awesome responsibility Russian industry=unable to produce weapons needed for army


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AP Euro Notes Sec 25-1 pp. 768-773 & 783-788 Nalani Story The Road to World War I June 28, 1914, heir to Austrian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, = assassinated in Bosnian city of Sarajevo The event precipitated confrontation between Austrian & Serbia that led to WWI War=not inevitable Previous assassinations of Euro leaders=not led to war & euro statesmen=managed to localize such conflicts The decisions that Euro Statesmen mad during crisis were crucial in leading to war, there= also long-range underlying forces= propelling Euros toward armed conflicts Nationalism In 1st ? of 19 cent, liberals=maintained that organization of Euro states along national lines would lead to a peaceful Euro based on a sense of international fraternity They=very wrong


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AP Euro Notes Sec 22-1 pp.666-684 Nalani Story The France of Napoleon III Napoleon III taught his contemporaries how authoritarian gov?ts could use liberal & nationalistic forces to bolster their own power Louis Napoleon: Toward the Second Empire Many contemporaries dismissed ?Napoleon the Small? as a nonentity who?s success due only to his name However he= smart, clever, patient Used troops to seize control of gov?t on Dec 1, 1851 Restored universal male suffrage Asked French people to restructure the gov?t by electing him president for 10 yrs 7.5 mil yes vs. 640,000 No Nov 21, 1852= Louis Nap asked for restoration of empire 97%=yes Dec 2, 1852, Louis Nap= assumed title of Napoleon II 2nd empire=begun The Second Napoleonic Empire

World War I Powerpoint

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World War I PROTRACTED/LONG TERM CAUSES Belief Systems and Philosophies Germany a insecure, new nation seeking its place Legacies of Bismarck ? the Alliance System, Bismarckian Diplomacy Militarism: Increasing Insecurity, Distrust, Paranoia Colonial Rivalries lead to Conflicts: Imperialism Economic Rivalries IMMEDIATE CAUSES International Crises Balkan Wars Assassination of Austrian Arch-Duke Ferdinand ?Blank Check? Invasion of Serbia Mobilization of the Beligerents Von Schlieffen Plan Crossing the Belgian Frontier Causes: Nationalism, and Belief Systems/Philosophy Realpolitik Social Darwinism Will to Power Germany: a New Nation Finding its ?Place in the Sun? Rise of German Industry and World Trade French Revanche


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Comprehension and Discussion Activities for the Movie Hotel Rwanda This module has been designed to accompany the film Hotel Rwanda (2004). Hotel Rwanda is based on real characters and events that took place in Rwanda in 1994. Tension between Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups reached a crisis point in that year, when Rwandan radio announced that May 5 was to be the ?cleanup day?. On that day the capital, Kigali, must be cleansed of Tutsis. Nearly one million people were killed by Hutu militia shortly after this announcement. Hotel Rwanda is a film about this event. Hotel Rwanda is also about Paul Rusesabagina, who made the hotel he managed into a refugee camp. This single daring act allowed thousands to survive. The module consists of

Types of Government

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Types of Governments Grade 7 Social Studies Online Presentation Blueprint Skill: Governance & Civics Grade 7 Define the different types of governments (i.e., democracy, autocracy, oligarchy, monarchy, and dictatorship). Democracy In a democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. It is distinct from governments controlled by a particular social class or group (aristocracy; oligarchy) or by a single person (despotism; dictatorship; monarchy). A democracy is determined either directly or through elected representatives. Autocracy Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism (domination through threat of punishment and violence) . Oligarchy

Chapter 3

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Notes on Key Issue 3: Ch. 8 Political and Military Cooperation- most states joined the United Nations, were established primarily to prevent a third world war and protect countries from a foreign attack The United Nations- most important international organization, created at the end of World War II by the victorious Allies in 1945, comprised 49 states at first but grew to 191 in 2003, Increased rapidly because: 1955, 1960 and the early 1990s Sixteen countries joined in 1955, European countries that had been liberated from Nazi Germany during World War II Seventeen new members added in 1960 Twenty-six countries added between 1990 and 1993 from break-up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 39 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 39 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. On 30 January 1948, Mohandas Gandhi was assassinated by a. an agent of the Soviet Union. b. a renegade Sikh militant. c. a CIA agent. d. a Hindu extremist. * e. an Islamic terrorist. (p. 1095) 2. Both Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru felt that communalism a. was dangerous because it emphasized religious over national identity. * b. was essential for Indian survival. c. was difficult, although necessary, to construct because of the need for community in India. d. was the key to the long-lasting political stability of India. e. was a natural fit for India, although they certainly didn?t agree with every aspect of Marx?s philosophy. (p. 1098) 3. Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of


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