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Ancient Near East

AP World

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Diaspora means ?dispersion? or ?scattering.? Basically, deportees were better off by the waters of Babylon, so the descendents of those deportees refused to rejoin the Persian Empire. So, the Jews dispersed to maintain their religion outside of the no-more independent Israel. They left behind many belongings and artifacts, and they had to change their entire way of life. However, this changed allowed the peoples to develop traditions such as synagogue, the Deuternomic code, and a stronger monotheistic belief. The Diaspora fostered a powerful sense of community and the belief that their people were protected by a watchful and beneficent deity.

The Earth and Its Peoples - Chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4 The Mediterranean and Middle East, ?2000?500?b.c.e. I?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . The Cosmopolitan Middle East, 1700?1100 b.c.e. A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Western Asia 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . In the southern portion of western Asia, the Kassites ruled Babylonia during this period. Babylonia did not pursue territorial conquest. In the north, the Assyrians had their origins in the northern Tigris area. They were involved in trade in tin and silver. 2?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . The Hittites had their capital in Anatolia, used horse-drawn chariots, and had access to important copper, silver, and iron deposits. 3?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . During the second millennium b.c.e. Mesopotamian political and cultural concepts spread across much of western Asia. B?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . New Kingdom Egypt


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See reflections in the Babylonian and the Hebrew Hammurabi was the most famous leader of the Babylonians Hammurabi ruled from1792-1750 BCE He published a list of 300 laws, carved into a black basalt pillar 7 ft. high and 2 ft in diameter- erected near the site of Baghdad Moses claimed to have gotten some of his laws from God while Hebrews wandered through Sinai desert after leaving Egypt recorded in their holy book, the Torah (the law), makes up first 5 books of the Hebrew bible, or Old Testament

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