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Key Psychologists and Their Contributions

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AP Psychology Key Names Review Key Names Sheet Historical Figures: Plato (428-347 BC) Nature Innate Ideas Brain ? source of mental processes Aristotle (335 BC) Nurture Everything in mind is first experienced thru senses. Heart ? source of mental processes Galen (129-199 AD) 4 fluids; balance between fluids healthy and good mental processing 1st to look @ physiology in how the brain works (Now: hormones/neurotransmitters) Galileo (1564-1642) Mechanism ? universe is a reliable machine Descartes (1596-1650) Dualism Mind is distinct from body Innate ideas (Nature) Locke (1632-1704) Nurture ? ideas come from experiences Tabula Rosa Blank slate; mind at birth Gestaltists (~1880-1950s) The whole of consciousness is different than the sum of its parts

AP Government in America Chapter 1

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Gruber Word List 10

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concourse?a crowd; a space for crowds to gather concupiscent?having strong sexual desire or lust concurrent?running together or at the same time condescend?to deal with someone beneath oneself on his own level, sometimes patronizingly condign?-deserved or suitable condolence?expression of sympathy condone?to pardon or overlook conducive?tending or leading conduit?a pipe or channel for liquids configuration?an arrangement confiscate?to seize by authority connagration?a large fire confute?to prove wrong congeal?to solidify congenital?existing from birth conglomerate?a mass or cluster congruent?corresponding congruous?suitable, fitting conjecture?a guess conjoin?to unite conjugal?pertaining to marriage conjure?to produce by magic

Gruber Word List 9

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coffer?a strongbox cogent?forceful cogitate?to think over cognate?related cognizant?aware cognomen?a name cohesion?tendency to stick together cohort?a group or band; an associate coincident?happening at the same time collaborate?to work together collateral?side by side; parallel collocation?an arrangement colloquial?conversational; informal (speech) colloquy?a formal discussion or conference collusion?conspiracy colossal?huge comatose?pertaining to a coma comely?attractive comestible?edible comity?politeness commensurate?equal in size or measure comminuted?powdered commiseration?sympathy or sorrow commodious?spacious commutation?an exchange or substitution compassion?deep sympathy compatible?able to get along well together

Gruber Word List 6

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bigot?an intolerant person bilious?bad-tempered billingsgate?vulgar, abusive talk binate?paired bivouac?a temporary encampment bizarre?odd; eccentric blanch?to make white; to bleach; (a person) to turn white bland?mild blandishment?flattery blasphemy?profanity blalant?unpleasantly loud blazon?to make known; to adorn or decorate bleak?unsheltered; bare blight?anything that kills, withers, or stunts blithe?gay bloated?swollen bludgeon?a club bluster?to act in a noisy manner bode?to foreshadow boisterous?rowdy bolster?to support bombastic?using unnecessarily pompous language bondage?slavery boor?a rude person bootless?useless bounty?generosity bourgeois?pertaining to the middle class bovine?cowlike

Gruber Word List 2

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advent?an arrival adventitious?accidental adversity?misfortune advocate?to support aesthetic?pertaining to beauty affable?friendly affected?artificial affidavit?a sworn statement in writing affinity?a close relationship affirmation?assertion affluent?wealthy affray?a noisy quarrel affront?an insult agenda?a program agglomerate?to gather into a mass aggrandize?to make greater aggravate?to make worse aggregate?a group of things together aggrieved?wronged aghast?horrified agile?nimble agnostic?one who doesn?t know agrarian?agricultural akimbo?with hands on hips alacrity?eagerness albeit?although alchemy?early chemistry alienate?to make unfriendly allay?to calm allege?to declare allegory?a symbolic story alleviate?to relieve

Gruber Word List 1

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abase?to degrade abash?to embarrass abate?to decrease abattoir?a slaughterhouse abdicate?to give up aberration?a deviation abet?to aid abeyance?temporary suspension abhor?to detest abject?miserable abjure?to give up on oath ablution?washing the body abnegate?to renounce abominate?to loathe aboriginal?first; existing someplace since the beginning abort?to cut short abrade?to rub off abridge?to shorten abrogate?to cancel by authority abscond?to run away absolve?to free of guilt abstemious?moderate in eating and drinking abstract?a summary abstruse?hard to understand abut?to border on abysmal?bottomless; wretched accede?to take on the duties (of); to attain (to) acclivity?an upward slope accolade?a demonstration of honor


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