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The Method of Physical Actions

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Chapter 2The Method of Physical Actions Emotion on Stage You cannot force emotion before going onstage. It is difficult to perform certain physical acts without looking rehearsed and mechanical You must be able to find ways to be new and fresh every night. Falling into a pattern of actions is not always a good thing for it can make you look repetitive and boring. The play ?Who?s Afraid of Virginia Wolf? requires enormous amounts of emotion Digging Deeper It is less difficult to play a character when you have looked deeper into the script To act, you must fully indulge yourself into the character You can better understand a character by walking in their shoes and studying the character.

Portrait of an Artist outline

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Outline: In his novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce develops Stephens?s character from an innocent boy who doesn?t have control of his life, to an adolescent who searches for his destiny and place in the world, to finally a young man who has found the purpose of his life in art by reassessing his spiritual and moral beliefs- and ultimately illustrating the importance of fulfilling ones destiny. Innocent boy, with no control of his life: When Stephen announced to his family that he would marry Eileen, a protestant, his aunt states he apologize or ?the eagles would come and pull out his eyes.? (pg. 4) When he was at boarding school, the Wells ?shouldered him into a ditch? (and) the cold slime of the ditch (covered) his whole body.? (pg. 10)

Causes of the Great Depression

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Causes of the Great Depression Name:________________________ Date:___________________ Write in complete sentences!! 1. Describe the pros and cons of the stock market and how it changed our society? List at least 3 examples of each. 2. An organized system for buying and selling shares, or blocks of investments, in corporations is called _________________. 3. Describe ?Black Thursday.? 4. How did the Great Depression have an effect on the economy? 5. How did (small and large) banks suffer from when farmers defaulted?

Outliers- Malcolm Gladwell Chapter 1 quotes

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out?li?er \-, l ( )r\ noun 1: something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body 2: a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample (Page 3) (Form + Structure) ?FOR UNTO EVERYONE THAT HATH SHALL BE GIVEN, AND HE SHALL HAVE ABUNDANCE. BUT FROM HIM THAT HATH NOT SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY EVEN THAT WHICH HE HATH.?? MATTHEW 25: 29 (Page 15) (Form + Structure)

Outliers- Malcolm Gladwell Ch. 1 quotes

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out?li?er \-, l ( )r\ noun 1: something that is situated away from or classed differently from a main or related body 2: a statistical observation that is markedly different in value from the others of the sample (Page 3) (Form + Structure) ?FOR UNTO EVERYONE THAT HATH SHALL BE GIVEN, AND HE SHALL HAVE ABUNDANCE. BUT FROM HIM THAT HATH NOT SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY EVEN THAT WHICH HE HATH.?? MATTHEW 25: 29 (Page 15) (Form + Structure)


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