I. New Domestic Programs – New Frontier to “get the country moving again”
A. Tax cut – though at odds with companies over Steel threats, he regained favor with tax cuts to business – seen as a Republican measure
1. Additional tax cuts pushed through by Johnson after Kennedy assassinated
B. War on Poverty – Johnson – Great Society – “rights revolution” – helped Americans/hurt budget
1. Proposed $1 Bill(Later $2 bill. dollar package – focused on Appalachian mountains and poor
a. Economic and welfare programs – similar to New Deal
b. Michael Harrington’s The Other America – shows 20% of population in poverty
2. Two new cabinet offices – Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation
3. Big Four Feats – education, aid to elderly/indigent, immigration reform, voting
a. Education – loans straight to kids, not schools – Project Head Start
b. Medicare/Medicid
II. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
A. The New Left and the Counterculture – divides America’s into two morals
1. Negative attitude toward authority – America not free of racism, sexism, imperialism, povert
2. 1950s – “Beat” poets - Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Rebel without a Cause
3. UC Berkeley – Free Speech Movement, sexual revolution, lived in communes
4. Turned into violence and cynicism
B. Republican Party – reaction to “flower children” – silent majority
1. Republicans in South – Kennedy – anti-Catholic – Bible belt
2. 1968 – American Independent Party – George Wallace – South really doesn’t want integration – can no longer follow Democrats
3. Blacks move to cities, Democrats begin appealing to urban areas, Republicans elsewhere
C. The Supreme Court – Warren’s Court – After 1953
1. Cases affect sexual freedom, criminals’ rights, religious rights, structure of political representation
A. Griswold v. Connecticut – Condoms OK – people have privacy in lives
B. Gideon v. Wainwright – Defendants have right to legal counsel
C. Miranda/Escobedo – right to remain silent, can’t get confession from torture
D. New York Times v. Sullivan – public figures only win libel if malice intended
E. Engel v. Vitale – prayer illegal in schools
F. Reynolds v. Sims – redraw district lines to better represent population
III. Foreign Policy – Cold war still dominates thinking
A. Bay of Pigs – plan made under Eisenhower to have CIA help Cuban exiles retake gov’t from Castro
1. Fails miserably when Cubans don’t side with Cuban exiles
2. America looks like idiots for sponsoring a revolution – Kennedy held responsible
B. Cuban Missile Crisis – closest America gets to WWIII – US tells USSR to get missiles out of Cuba
1. Puts in “quarantine” – can’t do blockade because it’s an act of war
2. If Russia doesn’t back down > Cuba invaded > Berlin invaded > World War III
3. Khruschev - Russia eventually back down for America’s promise to take out missiles Turkey
4. Created direct phone line between leaders – too close to death
C. Vietnam Quagmire – no-win situation – escalation not possible, N. Vietnamese won’t quit
1. Can’t escalate because might bring in China or Russia, but can’t win without escalation
2. American public – due to media – getting tired of unwinnable wore and empty promises
3. Victory confusing – based on body counts and not land taken (land gets retaken later)
4. People begin dodging draft, tons of protests, Veterans not welcomed back
5. Tet Offensive actually a victory but media portrayal makes it look like gov’t has no touch w/ reality – they had just promised a huge victory
6. Destroys Johnson’s policies
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