numerical uncertainty - measurements are ALWAYS inexact
- precision - how closely measurements agree w/ each other
- accuracy - how closely measurements agree w/ the right answer
- precision doesn't lead to accuracy
- trials are done to get a better accuracy
significant figures - all digits of a quantity, including an uncertain one
- measured quantities are reported so that the last digit is uncertain
- more significant figures means more certainty in the measurement
- all non-zero digits are significant
- 3456 - 4 significant figures
- 3.13245 - 6 significant figures
- 22 - 2 significant figures
- zeros between non-zero digits are significant
- 34000005 - 8 significant digits
- 345.0003 - 7 significant digits
- 60.7 - 3 significant digits
- zeros at the beginning of the number aren't significant
- 0.00000000006 - 1 significant digit
- 0000234 - 3 significan digits
- 0.0005042 - 4 signifcant digits
- zeros at the end of the number are significant
- 34000. - 5 significant digits
- 34.00 - 4 significant digits
- 5.01000 - 6 significant digits
- zeros at the end of numbers w/o a decimal point may or may not be significant
- 450 - 2 or 3 significant digits
- 3000 - 1, 2, 3, or 4 significant digits
- w/ multiplication/division, the result should have the same number of significant figures as the number w/ the least significant figures
- w/ addition/subtraction, result can't have more decimal places than the number w/ the least number of decimal places
dimensional analysis - guarantees that the result has the proper units
- conversion factor - fraction where the numerator/denominator are the same quantity in different units
- given unit x desired unit / given unit = desired unit
- multiple conversion factors can also be used
- derived SI units may require multiple conversion factors to get the desired unit
- Convert 0.076L to mL
- 0.076L x 1000mL / 1L = 76 mL
- Convert 1.55kg/m3 to g/L
- 1.55kg / 1m3 x 1m3 / 1000dm3 = 0.00155 kg/dm3
- 0.00155kg / 1dm3 x 1000g / 1kg = 1.55g/dm3
- 1.55g / 1dm3 x 1dm3 / 1L = 1.55 g/L