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World War II

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forgottensomeone's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
World War II

hey, ummm.... for a paper i need to know some facts about the World War II

I'm suppose to find evidence of 1.Racial prejudice 2. War hysteria and 3. Failure of political leadership

i know a evidence of racial prejudice was the evacuation of Japanese-Americans from the west coast, but i don't understand about War hysteria or Failure of political leadership

theCSIofAPUSisSFI's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

WAR HYSTERIA: that i would think would be the massive headlines for the papers. "WAR WITH JAPAN","U.S. ATTACKED" thats the most blantant forms of war hysteria i can think of.

POLITICAL LEADERSHIP: I would say that because the majority of the war was fought under one man who had to bring the country through so much would be a problem. He's suffering from severe polio and obvisouly in a great deal of pain. there were really only a few trusted generals he turned to Ike Eisenhower being one. These men put forth the ideass they new best, as opposed to trying new ideas, or getting new spins on old ideas.

thats the best i could do-----Jake :cool:

What's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

If you want some more stuff about racisim talk about the all African-American tank core that played a HUGE role in the Battle of the Bulge. Talk about how they got no press or anything but Patton did.

MikeJ's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Also at home - the Anti-Japanese sentiment that resulted in the Japanese internment camps. If you want to get fancy, you can suggest how this hatred of one social group could be a precursor to the fervent anti-Communism/anti-Russian sentiments of the 1950's.

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forgottensomeone's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

thanks you guys

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