I have a DBQ essay to do tommorow and the question is:
"In what ways did the french and indian war alter the political, economic and ideologibal relations between Britain and its American colonies?"
I have 8 documents on like letters and speeches. Can somebody please help me how this war changed the relationship between Britain and its colonies politically, economically, and ideologibally.
Hahahaha, I just did this one and had to turn it in today. But it was only a practice and I didn't have the write the full DBQ, just what doc's i would use for each question.
Simply put, thats a pretty tough one. I had to bullshit a lot of it.
But I'm not gonna give you an answer, since you are provided wtih docs you should be able to do it on your own. As per the posted annoucment, you can not expect us to do your work for you.
These are the Forum Rules,
uhm, i dont know about giving u it all but ill give u a few key points to think about.
1) the whole point of this war was to win the land in the ohio river valley and to start expanding west of the applachians. after the war the british said no because it would cost too much for their protection and this really ticked off the colonists. talk about the proclamation of 1763, u read it i wont tell you what it is.
2) this is the last point ill give you. think about the debt the english must have been in after the war. who do you think the english decided to get the money from??? the colonies, and in what way? taxes.
just mention stuff like that and your golden.
I did this one, the main idea is that the french and indian war changes relations between the Britain and the colonies, first and most substantially ideologically, and later politically and economically.
Things to definately mention: Although the changes DID occur, they were not nearly as substantial as the question makes you want to say they are. With this one just by the wording, most people have a tendancy to exagerate the changes, when in reality they werent earth-shattering...at all. The most important thing about them was that they set the stage for the american revolution. Allude to that, making enough reference to get the point across, but the last most important thing about this one is to stay in the timeframe. 1754-1766. Anything outside shoud only be breifly mentioned as a cause or effect, do not focus on any of these outside events (aka the American Revolution).
these are pretty much the important things to think about when writing it, im leavind you to come up with the changes on your own
hey do you have mccargo....its zeman
Nope I have dube, My name is Lindsay (Timberlane HS)