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Need Help With Essay (British Rule)

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silentdragonzx's picture
Joined: Sep 2005
Need Help With Essay (British Rule)

"The British ruled the colonies for one hundred years and lost them in twelve."

This statement is really bothering me right now. Im suppose to agree and disagree with that statement. Personally I disagree with it, but i need evidence to support my view.

If anyone can give facts and evidence that can back up disagreement to that statement plz do.....( You can also validate why it is true also, anything would help.)

...Much Appreciated.

Might I add this is due TOMMOROW(Monday 10-3-05)......ahhh need ideas

*To be more specific
-I have the ideas that the colonies are founded by companies and religous groups, not the British themselves.
-Also their was no order and enforcment in the colonies and trade of the colonies.
-Also their was no stable government.

I think thats all i can back up my essay with....Plz Help need "specifics"...

silentdragonzx's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

OK I have this so far:

"In a broad sense the American Revolution began when the first colonist first set foot on America. British rule of America never occurred due to being founded by companies and allowing the colonist to freely settle in the area without order of government, establishment of discipline, enforced taxes and trade, and loyalty to the England.

Ruling needs special requirements. To rule a colony would be to have complete control over it. Equipped with a stable government, enforced rules, and controlled trade and taxes. However none of this was present in the “British Colonies” of America.

Joint-stock companies, religious groups, land speculators, and other people willing to settle away from Europe formally founded America. The British Empire didn’t initially have the desire to colonize the Americas and make it apart of their empire. The colonies were under independent rule established by the colonist themselves. Supplies came from Europe but nothing else was really enforced during the first settlements. When King George III came to throne, attention for the colonies erupted.

However even with his influence the colonies were still independent. Tax laws and several other laws were not being enforced. The colonists were becoming rebellious and didn’t want to have to pay for taxes when the British Empire was in debt. After the Seven-Years War the colonist had an even more feelings of confidence and independence from the British. With laws such as the Stamp Act, Tea Tax, and Intolerable Acts being passed colonist grew more and more aggressive. Eventually this led to the Revolutionary War with Britain’s desire to rule the colonies and the colonist’s desire to separate from Britain."

This is what I have (Im not finished yet) and these genralizations will probraly give me a score of 2 out of 9.
What do I need? What can I add? What do I need to chage?

Someone HELP PlZ....

APFAq's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

Awesome "Essay" so far silentDragonzx


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silentdragonzx's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Thank You APFAq for the compliment....but what I really need is evidence to help this "Awsome Essay"...I updated my essay but it basically has the same information as the above essay so I'm not going to post it.

So if anybody can lend some info or opinions or anything...PLZ do times running out..... :(

Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

I don't understand what is so hard about it?

Just look at the facts, how long did the British control the Colonies for and how long did it take for them to lose control? You get that info. and then you formulate a thesis supporting or contradicting the essay prompt. After that, use your facts to support your thesis and go from there. ;)

silentdragonzx's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

:confused: Ok.....Not the answer I was looking for...but I get the point....Thanks....I have already finished my essay.....but I feel it's lacking a lot of SPECIFICS....

I guess I'm gonna have to trust my own writing ability.......

"Peace Out!" :confused:

Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Sorry I couldn't provide you with any help, but if you had asked 2 days ago or so I would have been able to.

Sorry man.

Good luck.

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