Hi. My name is Jordann.
yea. . .
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Welcome to C-Notes.org Jordann! Enjoy your stay!
[URL=http://neverstudy.com/dictionary/]AP US Online Dictionary[/URL]
Thank you, Jordan... I know so much about you now I could write a textbook! Lol, welcome to the site! If you stick around, you'll get a better grade in AP because of it, I promise!
Jordann with two n's? Interesting..
Anyway, welcome!
soozin wrote: If you stick around, you'll get a better grade in AP because of it, I promise!
It's true. I am passing APUSH because of it. :D
like my avatar??? GOOD this is a real unit that was recently sent overseas so you BETTER support them!!!! :)
well.. haha. I don't know how much it can help with my grade. I've got an A. That's all I need.
Welcome :) Let me know if you have any suggestions for the site
Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)
Kavioh wrote:well.. haha. I don't know how much it can help with my grade. I've got an A. That's all I need.
i hate you :mad:
like my avatar??? GOOD this is a real unit that was recently sent overseas so you BETTER support them!!!! :)
So humble :P
I have a B+, and that's only because we have lots of essays and I'm good at writing essays.
i greatly dislike essays.Especialy DBQ's, i had my first one today.
like my avatar??? GOOD this is a real unit that was recently sent overseas so you BETTER support them!!!! :)
I like essays because you can just go to google and get all your info. there.
DBQs suck though because you gotta incorporate the docs. with your outside info. and it's not easy.