I need to turn a paper on the Impact of Economic Development through Ch.15
Here are the 6 topics that i need to discuss:
1.) Western Movement
2.) Immigration
3.) Technological Development
4.) Mechanization/changes in manufacturing
5.)Women in economy
I have to write at least 1 paragraph for each topic. It would be very helpful if you gave me just a brief description on what to write about and the main ideas of these topics because i need some help a.s.a.p....
comon dont sleep on this i need help quick!!!!!!!!!!
1.) Western Movement
discuss increasing commercialisation of agriculture in the west
mention the bank of the us and possibly the beginnings of mechanised agriculture
possibly even mention how this goes against the jeffersonian republican ideal of a nation of subsistence agriculture
2.) Immigration
discuss german and irish
germans: more middle class - could settle further inland, repelled from germany by revolution of 1848, most dispersed - less political power
irish, poor-settled in coastal areas- had more political power, repelled by famine, resented blacks,
mention : how industrialization created a need for uneducated labor, this role was filled by immigrants
3.) Technological Development
farming technology - harvester
4.) Mechanization/changes in manufacturing
sectionalised economy = manufacturing in new england
interchangeable parts - bleh
railroads transporting materials
immigrant labor
5.)Women in economy
women work in sweatshops alot
smaller family sizes
possibly mention irish "biddies" - domestic servants
railroads - contributing to sectionalisation of american economy
I know im missing a few key points. Try and connect all of them together.
thanks rulesmapsandguns........this is helping me out alot, now i can turn a C paper to a A paper......this site is tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a chapter like 15 isnt one to skip reading...
If you mention all those points and pull them all together, you've maybe got a c paper
I know my teacher told us that this was one of the important chapters so im going to end up reading it because of an exam im having on chp. 15 and 16 on wednesday. Also, i already wrote the paper before you were able to help me out but it wasnt that great but since you helped me i think it's now at least a b paper.
you have Mr. Mossberg, huh?
maybe.....hehe who is this??