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AP US History

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Fredd Hufalof's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

I am a Junior taking AP US History. Tons of present day seniors advised me and my friends not to take this class because it was pointless. Being the stubborn person that I am I took it anyway. BIG MISTAKE. My teacher paid his friend $50 to use all his class notes and assignments for the YEAR (he told us this the 1st day- he thought he was SO smooth). So we do crap loads of hw and he doesn't ven grade it!!! We're currently on chapter 22................and I can tell you that I am not looking forward to my semester final. Our last test was over 1800-1850, he gave us 10 points to review telling the class we'd be fine if we studied. Yeah, none of us passed! out of 100 questions only 23 revolved around the review points he gave us. I hope the rest of the nation is doing better! Good luck

jimmy92233's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

I dunno guys, I guess we all agree APUSH is a pretty uhhhhhh wierd class. I mean overall its pretty okay but the thing that kills me is all the work my teacher gives. He gives us a test, chapter, and vocab (avg25 words) everytime we meet, and if you can believe it, we still havent gotten to chapter 20!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention his pointless lectures on some topic waaaaaay of the subject. Either that or he just rambless on about the SAME exact chapter ecerytime when we're really 2 chapters ahead of him. To tell you the truth.... I don't think he knows what he's doing because I haven't learned much (all that I have learned, I taught to myself). THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!! :confused:

podopeeler's picture
Joined: Jun 2005

oooman.. -_-xxxxxx
im 11th grade, apus on chpt 18... now...
im too lazy to read the book everynight..
which ultimitly lead to my D+ in the class ("non weighted")
yay~ -_-xxxx i blame the teacher. he doesnt teach and yup.

slikvsdipset's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

yall help me out i have 23 &^*%&^% One pagers!!!!!!

bbworks's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

you people have it easy man, i use the book "American History: A survey" by Alan Brinkley Eleventh Edition. every chapter is about 30 pages. i have to do one every week, sometimes two. Every week i have an 3-5 page essay, and a project, plus a test every two weeks. ITS HELL!!!

Shadow's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

bbworks wrote:you people have it easy man, i use the book "American History: A survey" by Alan Brinkley Eleventh Edition. every chapter is about 30 pages. i have to do one every week, sometimes two. Every week i have an 3-5 page essay, and a project, plus a test every two weeks. ITS HELL!!!

.....that's impossible.

You can't have all that in one week ,EVERY week, your teacher would get so behind in grading it's not even funny.

material_beach_bum's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

hey! im an 11th grader taking AP US, we are on chapters 15 && 25. (( my teacher skipped 15 && 25 then went back and put em together..so basically we are on like 29 i think? )) idk. i cant stand that class =]

material_beach_bum's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

ooo, and about the one ^^, we do at least one chapter a week and have a test every friday! so i feel your pain..but that sounds even worse so i feel terribly sorry for you! =/

Shadow's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

kid makes only two posts and already breaks a rule.

Don't double post.

stupidgurl2boiz's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

I'm a junior and we are in chp 20

There is no future. There is no past. There's only us, there's only this. Forget regret or life is your to miss. No other road, no other way. No Day But Today!!!


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