Alright everyone, here's the question:
To what extent did the political machines shape the post-Civil War period, known as the Gilded Age?
Here's my introduction:
It was perhaps the French who understood the post-Civil War condition of the U.S. the best and subtly hinted at it in their priceless gift of the Statue of Liberty. Among the inscripted lines at the base of the statue were the words, “Give me your tired, your poor…the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”. Aided by this suspicious influx of immigration, vague accusations of political corruption began to arise, and, settled near the center were the notorious political machines. In the years following the Civil War, the maneuvers of the political machines began to flood the political and social landscape, constructing the period to suit their needs.
Don't you like how i basically just B.S.ed it. Now I need points to discuss. I've considered industry tactics they used, socio-political issues (though I"m not sure which) and the whole immigrant thing. Suggestions would be wonderful and highly appreciated.
"The political machines is an organized gang", as my teacher referred. The "boss" had political, social, and economic influence. They manipulated the governmnet by controlling the vote. They held invisible but powerful position in politics. Elected officials were their puppets whom the "bosses" controlled in order to pursuit their owner interest. Socially, the political machine was involved in the lives of immigrants. The immigrants were the "loyalists" in political machines. The immigrants exchanged their votes for help from political machines. Ward leaders in the political machine looked afte the loyalists. Most ward leaders were local politicians. Immigrants asked the ward leaders to help when they encounter any sort of problem in daily lives. When they lost their jobs, immigrants ask ward leaders to find them new jobs. Ward leaders also help them in housing, legal process etc. Businessmen sought the aid from the political machine as well. They often bribed the "boss" in order to acquire the city contracts. Both sides were benefited economically. "Bosses" and ward leaders often get tips about the city plan. Most of them made considerate profit by selling the lands that the city bought. They bought those land at low price from the landowners and sold the land to the city at high price.
I hope this could help.