I'm back again. :)
I'm doing a free-response question.
#5) "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races." How can this 1858 statement of Abraham Lincoln be reconciled with his 1862 Emancipation Proclamation?
This is what I have so far:
When he was always asked by other people about the war he said that he was doing it for the Union and not for the abolition of slavery. He saw that in order to maintain the Union was to abolish slavery. Also, he believed that if they if he could abolish slavery, Great Britain and France would stop helping the Confederacy.
This when you come in place.:p
Anything else that I could use? or anything else to write?
I need to write about a 5 paragraph essay.
Thank you for your help :)
I just did that essay. I basically said what you said. I used Lincoln's letter to Greeley on August 22 as major evidence that he didn't care what happened to the slaves; he issued the EP to keep the union together. When is it due? If you write yours, I can help you. I got a 7 on mine :)
Do you have the letter?
with all I have, I could do 2 paragraphs max. what I posted is all that I have.
It is due monday. Help please
well, I can't really give you the answer; that's your job. But here's the letter:
Take your ideas and put logic into it. What are his motives if it's not freeing slaves? You mentioned that he wants to keep the Union together. Well, how is the EP going to keep the union together? What will it do to the south and the rest of the world? Think of some major points. What are slaves to the South? If Lincoln frees them, what's going to happen to their economy and the North's economy? Try thinking that way and you just might be able to come up with some things for your essay. Just think about the logic behind it all.
Thinkg about this, Lincoln freed slaves where he couldnt, and didnt free slaves where he could. I'll let you look up the details on it. That's just something I remember my AP teacher driving home.