I had to post this! It really works!
Uses of The 4th Dimension
The 4th Dimension is "The next step in Human Evolution".
The Currency of The 4th Dimension is: ENERGY
Since I discovered The 4th Dimension, one of the conclusions
I have reached is, The 4th Dimension is an infinite access to The Truth.
Throughout this website, I use the term "I wish" - it is really a way
to voice a person's desire - and from the work I have done - it really works.
From the saying: "Ask and you shall receive", I have understood that any
human being can make an infinity of "wishes" and receive The Truth
(the correct answer) to every question they may have, in the form of a dream
- that same night.
A person is not limited to the proverbial "3 wishes".
Use The 4th Dimension to find your soulmate
This is very easy to do - all you need to know is
The Truth of WHO your soulmate is.
The technique is called by MetaPhysicists:
"Programming your sleep"
To find your soulmate, do the following:
Say this out loud before you go to sleep:
Go to sleep and you will get The Truth
in the form of a dream that night.
Once you find out The Truth, why waste anymore time?
When you wake up, go find "him" or "her" and be happy.
Tell at least two of your friends of this secret wisdom.
- Sweet Dreams
A Public Service Message from The Author of "Ueber Alles"
Please post your topics ONCE AND ONLY ONCE in the future.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
Whoa, that sounds trippy, but I'll give it a shot
I'll let ya know if it actually works...
hmmmmmmmm lets see if this works
erm.....OoooKaayyy. I guess i'll try it. :)
it doesn't hurt to try.
I dont want to give my hopes up, but maybe.....
:eek: Life is like a diving board... you must have the courage to go up when you are down and have the abilty to go down when it is no longer your time to be up. ~ Ryan Plane
Hey LadyBird did you know your sn is the nickname for Lyndon B. Johnson's wife?
hahaha I suck so bad
I guess I can try that out what is it going to hurt....
The only way that works is because you are probably thinking about the person you currently have a crush on before you go to sleep. Think about this, how often can this work when most people marry people they dont know in until their later years, That and whaen you dream it is impossible to visualize a face of any friend, family, or aquaintance. Sorry but this is only a boost of small confidence :(
cant agree with that, i believe that the soul knows something as important as that from conception, but you may only see that person as the first time you meet them, if you havent already met them, or as the last ime you saw that person if you have