This is for anyone who is NOT a current moderator. Im looking for someone to take on to help me with writing my articles for the forms. Im sorta swamped this year becuase my year basicly looks like this:
AP Spanish
AP Calc
AP History
AP Programming
Ap Physics
Honors English
College Writing
National Honors Society
Independant Research
My new website.
So as you can see im going to need help. Anyone interested must fulfill these requirments:
- Have AOL or AIM
- A strong commitment to the project
- A will to do readign in parts of the book that may not be currently assigned to you
AIM: Batoci101
Email; [EMAIL=[email protected]][email protected][/EMAIL]
PM: GoPunchRocks
True Dedication for a cause:
Links to my old work can be found here:
True Dedication for a cause: