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Ugh --- Help needed

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TKM_Lexis's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Ugh --- Help needed

I had a great relationship with my ex. (Or so I thought) We dated for 2 years, without any issues. On the weekends and week days, I babysit my baby cousins. (4 months and 1 yr at the time) He would go play paintball with his friends. I was fine with it, but I later found out he was not. He called me one night, asked me to go to the movies with him, I said not today, I have to watch the kids. Can we do it tommorow? He started screaming at me over the phone (FIRST TIME EVER) telling me that I'm selfish. I told him that my family comes before a boyfriend. (He got angrier...) So I told him, we'll talk about it tommorow at school.

The next day, eh...not good. He wouldn't talk to me, but later that day, I was told by 6 different people that he thought I was a bitch and all kinds of blah blah...and I'm selfish...and he's should be my 1st priority...yeah. You get the pt. When i confronted him, he DENIED IT. Why would 6 different people (one being my cousin) lie to me about something like that?! I broke up with him...and NOW, he wants to go back out with me. He says he is sorry...but I dunno. Any help?

xenahorse's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Personally, I think he lied to you about calling you a bitch. If six people told you the same thing (not to mention that they would have a smaller incentive to lie to you than your ex would), I'd say that he was trash talking you behind your back. Has ANYTHING like this ever happened with you two before? Or is there a reason that he might blow up suddenly after two years w/o a problem? i.e., parents divorcing, fight w/ another friend, too much homework? If there was a reason, other than being non-sympathetic, I'd consider talking w/ him about why he decided to take his stress out on you. If the only reason was because he's a selfish bastard, I wouldn't get back together if I were you...

The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/

GoPunchRocks's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

I hate this forum, it needs to done away with. The answer to all your problems is: "in order to maintain a successful relationship one must accept responisbility for all inadequacy, arguments, issues, and fights." If your quick on your trigger to appologize and make nice it works. =\

PcMan's picture
Joined: Aug 2005

You know...

I think you should give him one more chance. Everyone gets angry...say I do. I get angry very easily over stupid stuff, and then later I feel bad and am sorry. Another chance is all he needs. You have to think about the past two years also...

What's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

He could have just had a stressful day and that was the icing on the cake, plus people ussualy take out anger on the ones they love. Trust me, my ex was/is going through hell and back and I put up with more than she will ever realize. Why? Because I loved her, and we may not be going out now, but we are still friends and I am still here for her if and when she needs me.

I'd talk to him, give him another chance. The probbablity is that he just had a rough day, or series of days and just exploded. The whole talking behind your back thing was him just needing to vent and wanting to keep the venting to you at a minimum.

If you feel like you need to talk more privately, go ahead and IM me on aim or msn, just click the icon in the top right of the post.

Uniquely_Defined's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

Some things to consider before you take him back or reject him...
1) He lied to you; regardless of the severity.
2) He talked behind your back.
3) He's trying to change you in a negative way/can't accept that family comes before anyone else(depending on your point of view).
4) People do make mistakes, and do get angry.

The question you must be at peace with yourself before taking him back or refusing his romantic gesture: is irrationality vindicated under these circumstances? The lies are obviously a defense mechanism because he knows that he screwed up. However, can you tell from past experience if this is regular behavior to be expected from him? If this is how he's going to treat you, then you probably don't want anything to do with him. However, if he's simply pissed off at that particular time, or if this is a new found trick inorder to make a puppet out of you..


PcMan's picture
Joined: Aug 2005

wow, i understand how u feel. but the cursing wasnt necessary.

Uniquely_Defined's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

Removed. I'm sorry about that.

PcMan's picture
Joined: Aug 2005

It's ok.... i understand it happens. :)

dejavoo's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

I think it really depends on how you feel emotionally about him, and if there was anything going on in his life that might make him easily aggitated. With that said, I think it was out of line for hime to be upset with you and I agree that family comes first. It was also unnessesary for him to talk about you behind your back, and to call you a bad name. If it was me, I wouldn't take him back, but only you know how you feel about him, and only you know if you can make this work.

'Parody of an angel, miles above the sea. I hear the voice of reason,screaming after me:
"You've flown far too high child now you're too close to the sun,Soon your makeshift wings will come undone!"
But how will I know limits from lies if I never try?'

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