I have my midterm tomorrow. =( I'm going to do horribly... i didn't have enough time to study. I'm working on it now (still), but hopefully next semester... I'll study more for the class... Normally, i spend more time doing the work for the class then studying... which often times makes me forget the prior knowledge... so that's why i can't remember much from Agean and Early New Eastern art... All i really know is the Gothic period, because that's the last thing we studied...
And that's not even going to be on my midterm. =( Any tips for studying for the exam ('cause i'm going to fail the one tomorrow... )?
Okay, here's something I posted a while ago under the APUSH section, but most of the same rules apply. It is history after all...
~Before I begin, I would like to tell those who have this as their first AP class, and possibly remind those who have taken AP classes before, that AP history classes focus more on they why and how than the when, although the when is important too. Most questions, as you have probably noticed, refer to time periods. My suggestion is to start making yourself a chart NOW that tells about trends in important time periods and what was going on. This will make studying for the AP test in May sooooooooooooo much easier. Trust me.
While all of the ideas mentioned above work for some people, there are some people that have problems looking at words on a page. My suggestion if you are still having trouble is to draw diagrams like flow charts, venn diagrams, etc. or even pictures to help you remember.
I find that one of the best ways to remember something though is to teach it to someone else. As strange as teaching something you don't know may sound, I have found this to work for me. Find a partner and take your book. Have your partner ask you questions and you can use the book to answer the questions. Reverse it too because you learn the most when you hear, read, AND teach something.
If you still aren't remembering something, I learned a new method at the end of last year. Some people have to be moving while they study to learn the most. While you study try walking around or even something small like bouncing your leg. The small things you can do in class to help you remember.
Another way is role playing. Like, for court cases get with a group and act it out. You may better understand it later and you will remember it better because your brain was most likely paying attention more actively than you had been.
If you still aren't getting some concepts, go check out a book. There are lots of good historical fiction novels that help you better understand how life was at those times. If you can't find one, make one up (or force a friend whose good at writing do it).
Yet another strategy is to make acronyms or senteces to remember things...think about how well you know the order of operations and binomial expansion (pemdas and foil). Sentences are fun too. They don't even have to make sense.
Penguins Eat Meals During Adult Swim.
or recently (this morning actually) I used
John asked out Sandra, but Anthony was her Suitor;Thomas went with Ginsberg and Bryer stayed home
Yes, I know, it's horribly stupid and corny but it helped me know the order of supreme court justices by seniority. (I was using this at a college too...)
You can also use flashcards. If those bore you, you can make them into cards to use for a game similar to trivial pursuit and play with all of your friends.
You could make your topic into a song...I know one for the quadratic formula that will NEVER leave.
For last minute cram sessions, you know the ones the night before the test, DO NOT pull an all-nighter. Study for a while then get at least a few hours of sleep. SLEEP IS ESSENTIAL. When you sleep your brain makes connections that help you remember. However, there are some people, like myself, who are good at remembering things without sleep. However, that skill took me years to perfect.
That's all I'm going to write for the moment. I'm sorry it's so long, but I hope that you find some way to learn. Everyone has a different learning type...learn yours and you're set for most classes. And by the way, my mom's a teacher which is why I know so many of these.~
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
For AP Art History test-prep,the best way to cram is to find some teacher-resources on the internet. Search for some of the powerpoints that teachers use in their classes. Your instructor may be totally slide-based but lots of teachers are digital. Google the name of your unit (ex. Gothic) then type the "+" sign and then PPT which is the file extension for a PowerPoint. You will find a lot of information and material on the internet. Another resource can be found by searching your unit name plus the words "outline" or "notes." Good luck and memorize the art work!