Is cloning for organs, or cloning only to dispose of the embryo (a.k.a. stem cell research) wrong? Should it be considered murder?
What if you had a dying family member and needed that organ desperately? Is it wrong to take the life of one not meant to live to save a loved one?
Sorry for my rather lazy post but I've been wondering about this for a while ever since we started this unit in Science. I'm sort of torn as I do support stem cell research under certain terms... :(
(Edit: Meant* not met x])
( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
* current
I personally support stem cell research, and since most of the embryos they use come from abortions and the like (meaning that they wouldn't otherwise be developing into fetuses) I don't see it as murder. This research could save so many lives, and let us learn so much about the nature of disease and life in general. Through extensive stem cell research we might even be able to learn how to stimulate regular cells to divide like stem cells can, or find some way to create the same end effect that stem cells do, again saving more lives.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
Hmm... I don't know if people are just as confused as I am over this controversial issue but not much of a debate here. xP
I support stem cells because the cells can be duplicated, virtually, infinitely. However, I do not support cloning because of some moral part of me that tells me it's so wrong to try to play, well, God so-to-speak (though I'm not referring to any religious belief by this). What I mean is that scientists are way to curious for their own good. Sure it will start out with some curious experiment with the potential to save thousands of lives. But after the technique has been perfected, who's to say that they won't start to experiment further?
I've heard of instances where scientists have tried to make a sort of chimera. Of course, after a certain period of time they destroyed it but still... The future may prove to be different.
I prefer to keep things as natural as possible--but society is against me. Eugenics is being used, wrongly (if only in my opinion), to alter children to what the parents would like for their child to be... like for their child to look like.
What if your mom or dad came up to you today and said,"Your hair was supposed to be blonde... but that's for stupid people so I changed it to brown."
Okay... maybe I'm exaggerating there (and being stereotypical while I do it) but wouldn't it basically be the same thing? It's like slapping a kid in the face to the fact that they weren't good enough--rather, their parents didn't like them the way they were and so some changes, some 'tweaks' had to be made.
Now that I've put my thoughts more clearly out there... to what extent do you support eugenics?
(Hmm... I have a feeling I may to talking to myself on this one. xD)
( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
* current
I agree with you that the whole cloning thing really is a bit too much like playing at being some type of creator. I do not support that type of cloning. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but wasn't there some benificial aspect of cloning, like the cloning of organs and the like? I'm pretty sure that I've herd something about that, or something to the same result. That would be the type of cloning I support.
I hope that wasn't too jumbled...
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
I agree that cloning people shouldn't be done. Cloning humans would probably make people lose their individuality.
Cloning is such a broad topic. Does it include the possiblity of parents choosing the characteristics of their baby? Genetic mutation just doesn't seem that natural.
But organs are fine. It's for a good use. Besides, we all work the same way internally.
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
Sorry. I was really vague when I said cloning (as it is such a broad field).
It's amazing to think about the possibilities eugenics opens up to us. It's on a whole other level as it can provide us with such a broadened, er, field as in possible treatment options and such--not that I would know much about that.
If chosen to be used in such a way, it can even provide ways to alter our very future generation. The question is, with such vast power, will it be abused? If restrictions should be placed, who would be the job of placing such said constraints?
I guess what I really want to know is, where should the line be drawn?
(Emm... I think I'm basically rephrasing the same vague question again and again. My apologies. I guess I'm waiting for someone who supports eugenics as a whole. Big chance. :p)
( APUSH, AP Lang & Comp, APEuro*, AP Physics*, AP Chemistry* )
* current
Well there will probably be people who will abuse it somehow. Sadly. If only we lived in a perfect world where no one did anything wrong... which is impossible. But yeah. It would be hard to choose who would be the ones placing the restrictions. People's views are in such a wide range, it doesn't seem like voting will ever get anything done. Leave it to Congress people? Not so much. With the party politics and all that, it's probably not a good idea to place the responsibility there. It really depends. Maybe it's up to the state.
It's all so subjective! Everyone's opinions differ, and it's hard to draw a line where EVERYONE can be happy.
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
k well best bet for cloning is not to mess with it at all it wrong because i mean think about that.....if u r that creation that is made just to give an organ that would suck alot.
it would also suck to know that you would have had an opportunity for an organ transplant made by stem cells, but instead you will just die because there aren't enough "natural" organs available. that's one reason i'm an organ donor!
cloning organs = good.
cloning just certain areas of an embryo so it'll survive and live = i can go with that.
cloning people like in the sci fi movies = no.
i actually think this should be left more to the doctors and the people it's gonig to affect and their decisions.... unless it's so outlandish, you know?
that's my opinion in a nutshell.
capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!
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