:confused: :confused: ok.. i have the same worksheet as in previous threads... we have to name the source of fear and the provision to calm said fear. i have majority of them except:
fear of losing individual rights
fear of other states and
fear of foreign powers
i think for fear of foreign powers its because britain was so controlling and also because of the land disputes between the french and spanish [with america].. not sure what the provision to calm the fear is though..... (is what i said right?:confused: )
I would read the other threads on this to see if they answered it. But i would say something about the Monroe Doctrine, but I'm not sure if you're at that chapter yet.
capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!
[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english