AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!


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jjalteria4eva's picture
Joined: Nov 2007

I'm new here and just wanted to say hi!:D

bassoonist@large's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

lol. Well Hey!
Been here for several months and just wanted to say hi back to you and I hope you stick around!

capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!

[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english

jjalteria4eva's picture
Joined: Nov 2007

Hey, thanks alot, I appreciate the welcome!

no-nonsenseplz's picture
Joined: Nov 2007

Hi, i am also knew here

You do better if you Know better- Maya Angelou

bassoonist@large's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

Alright then. Hiya no-nonsense. lol. I like your name.

capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!

[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english

no-nonsenseplz's picture
Joined: Nov 2007

lolz thanks, appreciate the welcome, like your name too bassoonist@ large

You do better if you Know better- Maya Angelou

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