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Ways to Retain What you are Studying

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Radshack's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Ways to Retain What you are Studying

Hey guys!

So my teacher is new this year and he's trying out alot of different techniques on teaching. One of the things he's done is set up a debate for us about things that conflict in history. ie: Hamilton vs. Jefferson We discuss things about the scandals of the era we're studying, and are assigned a side to defend. This takes more then surface understanding of the issue, you have to be able to respond, and not just know. It helps alot when you are trying to get the full grasp of a subject, or retain it even.

My proposal: Those who are on corresponding chapters with other members of this site start a new thread and create a debate about something they are covering in class. None of this current affairs stuff. The stuff we need to know for the test. I will start one of my own this coming Monday hopefully. Thanks all. Hope this works out!

bebeswe3tz's picture
Joined: Jun 2007

Thanks for the proposal, RadShack...

And I agree, That really does help you to remember..and it makes studying kinda FUN!!

Good Luck with courses, everyone!!

[=2][I][=Comic Sans MS]Smile and stay happy, there'll always be someone out there that's waiting to care for you. Even when life gets hard, all you have to do is try even harder!

[=Teal]Work hard, but let's play h

32150DruMMer's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

yeah this thing sounds pretty awesome.
we need this kinda stuff apwh, except not many debtables come to mind for apwh right now..
but yeah. anyone who is anywhere between ch.10-12 in The Earth and Its Peoples, we should just kinda do something like Radshack suggested, thatd be cool

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For Life

juicebox's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Hey, our teacher has suggested that as well! =D
And it really does work, especially on the really big and broad topics that you need to remember.

Nice. =)

"Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers." - Homer Simpson

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Awesome suggestion Radshack. I'll see what I can do about implementing it.

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"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

Radshack's picture
Joined: Jan 2008

Hey guys thanks for the support! Sorry I haven't done much about it I've been way busy. BUT for those of you reading from the American Pageant 13th Edition, my class is currently starting chapter 27. Somewhere along the lines of Cuba, and American Imperialism. The AP test is coming up soon and we need to start reviewing from past chapters instead of just retaining the current topics. Perhaps we can meet online on Tuesdays' and go over past topics that we are sketchy on. We can help each other =] If you're interested, I'll be on Tuesday! [February 5]

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