Hello my Name is Joseph and i am a junior at Dorman High School in South Carolina. I'm currently enrolled in Ap Physics B and AP US History. I just so happen to come upon this place which has become a nearly an invaluable study tool. well that's mee, so glad i found this place.
Welcome, Joe! Hope this place continues to help you out.
The hardest thing about riding horses is the ground
[=1]Made by moi^:D[/
Ok thank you!!
hey whats up joe?
whats ap physics b like? i might take that in the future?
Straight Edge --
For Life
it sooo easy compared to Physics C i had started taking it in the fall and i moved and now im in b and its soo easy itslike a little mechanics a lott less calc and some E and M so yea plus its just all around not super difficult. yea its a good class to help prepare for college cause its better to just get that part outta the way.
i see..yeah theres no way in hell im ever taking physics C or Calculus B/C..
i might do pre-cal and physics B though, are you a number oriented person?
Straight Edge --
For Life