Because I can.
And that's how I would describe my days sitting in AP U.S History.
That's why I'm here.
Because I get tons of vocabulary worksheets and I hate that American Pageant book.
but other than me hating History.
I love....stuff.
Like any stuff.
:] If you like Anime why don't you just be my best friend NOW.
Anyway. I'm a huge dork and when I saw this I was like ohh cool...why not procrastinate from doing your hated History assignments and type alll of this.
:D Well, now.
I'm done with that. Let's have some fun now. ;)
Dreaming at Tempo 119
i guess thats cool, just dont tell 31250drummer that. (thats not me its an imposter.)
good luck with your stuff though
--the Real and Original 32150DruMMer
Straight Edge --
For Life
yeah what was that all about?? i guess you're famous or something 32150DruMMer.
Yeah I guess so, maybe Im just that cool!! Hahaha, jk.
Im probably just the brown sheep, it hangs out with the other farm animals, but he stands out just enough to be spotted.
Straight Edge --
For Life
i feel like i would be the dumb one to get you guys confused and start a random conversation with him in spanish or something. hehe, he might regret it then.