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emancipation advice

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leigh333's picture
Joined: Nov 2007
emancipation advice

Okay I really need help. I have a parent in prison and my other parent is, well lets just say i don't live with them for a reason. So i live with a friends family.
I want to visit my parent in prison, but my sister who is over 18 is the only one legally allowed to take me and she is VERY unreliable and doesnt care what i want to do. So i can never see my parent and i was thinking of emancipation to be able to go see them whenever i want to. But the problem is, is that emancipation is such a big thing, and i wouldnt want to ruin my life for something like this.

I just need advice on what to do. I am so confused and nervous I will make the wrong choice. UGHHHH!

megs500's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

This is an extremely delicate situation and really important in that it will really affect your life as a teenager and adult.
From what I understand, you can be emancipated if you get married, join the armed forces, or get a court order. In your case, it would probably be a court order. You'd have to give reasons WHY you want an emancipation and why it's better for you to be emancipated than for your parents to be your guardians. You have to have a really good reason why, because the court doesn't give out emancipations like free donuts. A large portion of emancipation requests come from abuses, but often the child is placed into foster care then. This kind of depends on the state, as I don't know the full technicalities, but I think you also have to show that you'd be able to financially support yourself. Basically, it's pretty hard to become emancipated...again, from what I understand. I could be wrong.

If/when you are emancipated, you'd have to pay for all of your own expenses, as well as being an adult. With school and everything, it would be a really difficult thing to go through and it would have a big impact on you.

Is there a way that you can get a court order or something to see if the family you're staying with can take you? I get that it's important to you to see your parent, but is emancipation really worth it?
You say you're really confused and nervous-in my opinion, you should really KNOW whether or not you want to be emancipated. Talk to someone you trust, or perhaps a lawyer if you can. Read up on it...but really think about it.

Good luck with your decision, and let me know if you still want to talk.

...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...

AICE kid's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

Wow. You are in a pretty tough situation...I don't even know what I would do...and the scary thing is that I am considering something similar...
It is so hard to go though stuff like this, and it feels like anything you do you can make things so much worse...
hey, if you get a chance I would love to talk with you more about it, maybe I can tell you my story...but I would prefer it not be through the discussion boards...can you PM me?

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pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

megs500 seems to have some really good info on the situation, and some good advice. You're right, this is not something to take lightly as it will ultimately affect many other things in your life. I too strongly encourage you to talk with someone about the situation and what you're considering who knows more about you and the situation whether it be a friend or your parent when you see them or someone else - I'm always happy to offer advice in private by PM or IM or e-mail if you just want to talk or want advice or just need someone to listen.

Also, if you do decide to take legal action I strongly, STRONGLY recommend at least talking with a lawyer first if at all possible.

I'm going to look up more info for you tonight when I get home from work, but if you ever wanna talk, here's my info:

e-mail - [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
AIM - pianogirl2422
MSN - [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
Yahoo - [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
Google Talk - [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]

repetitive ain't it?

I wish you the best of luck with the situation and I'll probably reply again later

Also - I'm happy to talk with you too AICE kid if you want.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Alright, emancipation. It doesn't look like an incredibly complicated process - you file a petition and go to court over the matters. Your parent will still have to support you during the emancipation and you can reverse it as well. The hard part will come in finding the things that are required (proof of ability to manage finances, proof of housing, approval of the parents, and evidence of why you want emancipation mainly depending on your circumstances) for the process. I don't know what they mean by "support" though. It could be financial support, it could be housing support, it could be something else. You should definitely figure that out.

As to my advice on whether or not you should do this - well, I'd have to know more about the situation. But definitely think it over and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into before you act. Read over you state laws extremely carefully for the sections involving these matters and like I said, I highly highly recommend talk with a lawyer before taking any legal action.

Best of luck, and again contact me anytime if you want to talk.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

megs500's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

in response to Pianogirl2422-I don't think it's the process that's complicated, but the courts accepting and validating your request. They have to make sure that it's in your best interest that you are emancipated. (You know, because they probably get a bunch of kids who just aren't happy being grounded all the time)

I agree with pianogirl2422 that you should talk to someone, including a lawyer and think this over really thoroughly.

Again, good luck and remember just to do what's best for YOU. (sounds cheesy, but it makes so much sense)

...in riding a horse we borrow freedom...

AICE kid's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

I heard that for support you have to have a residency (whether your own or with someone else) and a job earning at least minimum wage. I really need to look it up more (Florida State Statutes here I come, again!) and I'll post more later...

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pianogirl2422's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

Well, in order to get emancipation itself you need both according to michigan state laws - proof of ability to manage finances is basically having a job and not blowing all your money.

[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It

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