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Spring Break!

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bassoonist@large's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
Spring Break!

My Spring Break is almost here and I'm exicited. I found out that in some states, people already had their Spring Break and I thought that was interesting. But anyways, what are you guys planning to do during spring break (or what did you do)? I'm having my spring break early by two days becuase on April 3rd, I'm going spelunking with my Physics class, then later that night, the band will start on the 17 hour drive to our trip to Chicago and perform at the Field Museum. We are going to watch Wicked (which is awesome, but I wish I could had seen it with the original cast) the musical, and the Chicago Symphony, and The Blue Men Group, and tour around the windy city (and finally see snow) and basically have fun.

I can't wait. And I hope you guys will do more during your spring break other than to sit down and catch up on your homework and study.

So what are you guys gonna be up to?

capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!

[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english

Der Läufer's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

Wow. Awesome Spring Break plans! What days will you be in Chicago? I'll be up in the area for the next few weekends. Haha. Wicked is awesome. I loved it! And I'm seeing it again at the end of April. Do you know what you'll be seeing in Chicago? Like the "tour"? And you'll see snow. It's almost guaranteed. Chicago is supposed to get more snow this weekend. I'm personally sick of winter. I'm on Break now. So far, I've gone to Chicago to see family, gone to Purdue University for a college visit, now I'm getting ready for a track meet, then back to Chicago for LUC's Sunday for Admitted Students and whatnot. I've been enjoying sleeping and not doing any homework. Lol. But I did have to clean the house (which meant I played DDR for a few hours :) )


bassoonist@large's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

We'll be on April 3rd and get back by April 8th. I'm hyped. haha.

The Sunday's Tour will be around the city and the highlights are Wrigley Field and Sears Tower.
We're supposed to go to the Museum of Science and Industry and just carouse around there. Yea.

And I agree. Wicked is amazing.

capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!

[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english

Der Läufer's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

Awesome. Wrigleyville is a great neighborhood. The Sears Tower is cool, too. I hope it's not cloudy when you go; if it's not, you will be able to see four states. It's kinda cool. The M of S and I is really cool. I recommend seeing the sub and the living heart (if it's still there). Sounds like you're going to have a blast!


Joined: Mar 2008

have fun in chicago. i am half way through my spring break. all i have done so far is watch movies and worked. but besides that nothing really. the 17 hour drive must suck. but i only live 3 hours form chicago. the field museum is cool u will enjoy it, or at least i did. the since and field museum is huge u probably won't get to see everything there. hope it's cold and windy. have fun

bassoonist@large's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

Der Laufer: I'll take your word for that! :D

Goodstudent: oo. i'll make sure to make the most of if. and considering we'll be there in that museum for about 4 hours, i'm prety sure we can see about msot of it. hah. aw. did you wactch enjoyable movies?

capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!

[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english

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