Here's the situation. i got a friend, "Dave", who really likes this girl. he acts really different whenever she is around, only paying atention to her and forgetting about everything else. he also drops everything he is doing the minute he thinks he has even the slightest oportunity to talk to her or see her. thing is, the girl is not interested in a relationship and Dave knows this. he does not actively pursue her by hitting on her or asking her out but i am pretty sure that the girl, along with everyone else either of them talk to, knows he likes her. also, i seriously doubt he will ever ask her out because the only two girls he has asked out said no and they do not really talk anymore. (this makes it really hard to talk to him about her because he is kind of sensative.) ordinarily i would not get involved or even be concerned as it is none of my bussiness but:
1) his obsession is affecting his studies. he is taking two AP tests this year and he has skipped out on nearly all the extra study sessions his teachers have set up.
2) he makes it very awkward for anyone, myself included, to hang out with him or her when they are both there. as they are both my friends and we do hang out rather frequently, this is really annoying.
i have tried to talk to him about it but he just sees it as me being nosey and ignores whatever i say. is there anything i can do or do i just have to deal with it until he gets over it?
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
bros before hoes
hey, thanks alot. maybe if i just quote that time honored saying at him he will suddenly snap out of his love induced stupor and relize that we bros are definatly more important. look, saying something like that would work if he was trying to get in the pants of my girl or something like that. i honestly dont think he even realizes what he is doing so telling him "bros before hoes" probably wont even make any sence to him. thanks though. (and sorry that first bit was kinda sarcastic.)
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
high school relationships almost never work and even if they do go out, they'd probably break up and never talk to each other again...thats how it usually works. tell him that if he going to throw away ur friendship for over some girl he will probably never ever talk to again, then he's either stupid or not your friend. and if he's not going to make a move anyway...whats the point. what's he going to do the rest of high school? stalk her? tell him there's plenty more girls with a better personality than her.
maybe. like i said, i dont think he actually realizes that he acts really different when she is around. i dont know, i really dont want to start something between me and him cuz we have been good friends for about 15 years and i think if i said anything bad about her he waould get really pissed. thanks for the advice though. i hadn't thought to mention that if he does ask her out they will probably break up and never talk again and if he doesn't then he is pretty much a stalker. that might just get through his thick head.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics