This week I got into a car accident and i'm not too sure what's going to happen.
My friend took my parents car and he crashed into another driver. It wasn't that bad, but there was damage. Luckily no one got hurt. My friend got 3 tickets and he has to go to court (i'm pretty sure I have to go as a witness). Well my dad is going to say to the court that I stole the car so I probably have to do community service, but it won't be as bad as my friend because he admitted fault to it. Can anyone else tell me what's going to happen, or if they know what's it like to be in court for something like this? I need some advice.
btw I didn't right now I have not gotten any tickets...but yea my parents are pretty pissed off.
do you know if you have to go as a witness for sure? i don't think your dad can just tell the court that you stole the car unless you are actually charged with something. i am not sure because i have never been to court and i do not really know law all that well. either way i would count on not being allowed to drive for a long time byyour parents (i do have some experience when it comes to the "borrowing" of a vehicle owned by ones parents. generaly they get pretty pissy.) that's my two cents, i hope it helps. good luck anyway.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics