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getting a boyfriend

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lucie247's picture
Joined: Aug 2007

very well, so you like this guy you are friends with and he likes you back, swell, then all you have to build a relationship from the friendship you guys have.

musiclife92291's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

Haha sorry Lucie but that whole dilema ended awhile ago. Drummer and I just use this thread to keep in touch. :]

32150DruMMer's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

haha, yeah. i dont even know how long this thread has been here, =P !
speaking of keeping in touch though reminds me, sorry i havent been here in a while musiclife!
lol. but yeah, i understand how it feels to have lots of things coming your way and a very small amount of time to do much about it. i have an ap test coming in may around the time your doing yours (which i feel pretty unprepared for since in class we have only done 22/ 36 chapters). scary.
but if you think you have a good shot with this dude, then by all means go for it! cuz if you do it could be pretty cool, and then once school gets out you and this dude could hang during the summer.
i actually have some stuff like that goin on right now too. theres three girls i think might be interested in me right now, so im deciding between them, because i know all of them and theyre all pretty cool. so, i asked one to band banquet already and she said yes, but lately i havent been feeling so solid about it, im not sure if ive been gettin the vibe from this girl. but im gonna try and get her number and one of the other girls numbers tomorrow.
so we'll see how that goes, keep me posted on how youre doing with this dude also

Straight Edge --


For Life

musiclife92291's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

well prom was fun. I didn't get to ask the guy to dance because he had a date but I cna't wait to talk to him again. I figure that we'll hang out and talk or whatever in school and by the end of the year I'll suggest that we go to the movies or something. I really gotta move on it cause I have a feeling I'll regret it if I don't. Lol for all I know I'll be making my move at graduation. And wow three girls all aiming for you at the same time. Someone's a pimp ;]

32150DruMMer's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

Awesome awesome, you should definitely talk to him at school. if you just talk to him, the more and more you do so the more comfortable youll start feeling around him and then it just gets easier from there. thats when you suggest the movies! and everyone loves the movies for the popcorn if not the movie. lol. but yeah, youll regret it if you dont, that hasnt happened to me yet, but you dont want the thought nagging at you.

but as far as these three girls though, i think i might be narrowing it down. =) and the cool thing is im narrowing it down to the girl i was most interested in, and im seriously sure shes interested in me. (and to tell the truth it was probably gonna narrow down to her all along.)
haha, it was cool, cuz my friends sister is friends with her, and they were doing a project at his house yesterday so he invited me over when she was gonna be there. we went running and we came back after a while and we came near his backyard fence and saw his sister and the girl rehearsing in the backyard so he was like 'hey give me a boost [to see over the fence]'
i knelt down and put my hand out and he stepped on my palm and i lifted him up to see over the fence and he was talking to them and then my friend was like okay your turn.
now see, my friend isnt as strong as i am, so this took a couple of tries, and he collapsed under me once trying to let me see over the fence (lol!) but then he just had me stand on his back.
eventually he got tired and by that point his sister and the girl came over to the fence and were standing on the little support beam on their side to see over the fence so i was like 'hmm..'
i jumped up and i just hung on the fence supporting myself using my back muscles and there was like a foot between my feet and the ground (tall-ish fence) and she looked over and saw i was just hanging using my muscles to support me and she was like 'wowww' so tht was kinda cool to show off some of my strength/ muscles. lol!
and today my friend was joking with me that after band i would be too scared to go up and walk with her (he was scared too cuz she also happens to be friends with the girl he likes) so he thought he could mock me and be like 'yeahhh your too scared, see i got zero fear' and i was like hah..yeahhhh, we'll see about that in five minutes. so the time passed, the bell rang and they were walking toward the exit getting nearer to us and my friend just kinda gave me a nervous look and the girl was walking so she would be closest toward me so i just kinda fell in step and started walking with her and her friend and she was like 'ohhh,,very subtle' and i was just like 'heheh yeah.. =P'
so then we just started walking and talking down the hallway and it was pretty cool.
the funniest thing is my friend thought i was scared but he didnt even talk to or walk next to the girl he likes, even though he walked in our little group. he walked on the other side of the girl i like, which to him is more of a sister cuz of her and his sister being close friends. so yeah..he lost! not that its about winning..lol, but he thought he was all big and bad and he ended up doing nothing.
so thts what i got, sorry about all tht talking about myself, but ive just been real excited to share the story. lol. thanks!

tell me how your day goes and if you talk to your dude =]

Straight Edge --


For Life

musiclife92291's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

Well I can't talk to the guy until next monday because our school is on vacation right now but first thing monday morning I see him in study. Today wasn't bad. I had band practice like 10-12 then my mom, sister and I went outside for a picnic. I actually just got in from that. Now I have to finished notecards for APUSH then I have my last driving lesson :]]]]]
Yeah and tomorrow at 6 am the band leaves for DC and I won't be back until late Sunday night so I obviously won't be on here. It looks like the trip will be loads of fun and the weather doesn't look bad either.

Lancersrule's picture
Joined: Apr 2008

Im a guy who understands why he hasnt made a move. When i asked my girlfriend out (and im gald i did!), i was scared to death bc even though i KNEW she'd say yes, i didnt know what 2 do. So if u ask HIM out, it might be easier.

Lancers Rock!!!!

Horsegirl1592's picture
Joined: Apr 2008

Kinda late and off topic, but Music, Hope you have fun in DC! I live 45 minutes away and both my parents work there. So, I've been there a lot. If you don't mind me asking what Band are you in?

"Life without horses...I don't think so"
"If you want control...Buy a remote"

musiclife92291's picture
Joined: Dec 2007

I'm in the Blackstone-Millville Regional High School Wind Ensemble. HAha try saying that five times fast. At the Heritage Festival in DC we got gold and won first place in our division. Not bad for a band that comes from a school with less than 600 people. I bet you thought I was in one of those cool rock bands though. Nope it's just me, your average bandgeek. :]


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