so what are your college plans (i.e. Majors, Minors, AA, etc.)
mine is Im going for a Duel-Major plan. In Physics and Chemistry.
Im then going for a doctorate in Nuclear Chemistry and Nuclear Physics.
Anyone else?
How could one such as myself answer such a question without so much as a second glance?
Wow. Just the thought of a major in physics gives me hives. Haha. Good luck with that. I'm planing on International Business and German for my majors, with minors in yet to be determined languages or random other things.
The thought of physics terrifies me, I'm barely pulling an A in chem, business bores me, and I never made it into my fourth year of german. I want to major in Communications with maybe a minor in Theater. I would absolutely love to major in theater, but it's way too risky.
cant you do a duel major program? and yeah I love science, lol
How could one such as myself answer such a question without so much as a second glance?
I am double majoring in History and Secondary Education-Social Studies with minors in African/African American Studies and International Politics.
It's gonna take me 5 years to graduate but that is completely cool with me. Then once I'm done as I teach or do government work, whatever comes first, I am going to work on getting my masters in history and Sec Ed. The five years also includes a 6 week summer session and studying abroad for the summer in either Spain, Italy, Egypt, or England. I havent decided yet.
Have any of you decided where youre going to go to college yet?
Well, I have no set set major in mind yet, I do plan on studying in either, Pharmacology, Entomology, Meteorology, Environmental Conservation or Environmental Law, Educational Psychology, or Elementary Education. I would minor in astrology, but schools seem to only offer astronomy...
Yeah, I'm kinda all over the place.
As for the college in mind? I plan on going to University of North Florida. It's small, close to home, I can get in, and it's cheaper than Texas A& M, which is also farther away and I doubt that I could get in.
Just Breathe...
A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.
Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Rainfall may make