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Gun Control Anyone?

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Liist's picture
Joined: Apr 2008


I don't do much competition shooting, especially when I have to go out of state.

Sorry about posting, I am relatively new to this forum and firearms is one of my passions and I'm always itching for a debate against a pro-gun person.

Marine Corps's picture
Joined: Apr 2008

I do competition shooting and I also have weapons and I wouldnt want anyone to try to take them away...

How could one such as myself answer such a question without so much as a second glance?

Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008


If all the guns are taken away from the populace, why would that stop the murders? They are already doing something illegal, why not steal a gun or pick another weapon of choice?

I decide what to do with the gun, so maybe gun control laws should focus more on the criminals and less on the guns.

I personally will earn a concealed weapons permit when I am older. As far as I'm concerned, the more people who can defend themselves, the better. Just think, some people go in to rob a bank and find themselves surrounded by shooters. You think they'll rob that bank?

I've been in many a domestic situation where I have wished with all my might to have access to a gun. My father came into my sister's and my bedroom with a knife in preparation to kill her, and he had my mom be the throat with that same knife when she tried to stop him-unarmed.

I've had to protect a great many people with my bare hands, and put myself in very dangerous positions for it, so I know the value of a gun.

A gun doesn't even need to be fired to deter crime, just flash it and most people will know who not to mess with. A gun is protection, and if they ban guns, I'll train myself in how to use a knife.

No one is going to take away my right to protect myself and mine. Not even the government.

Plus, what's wrong with a five year old having a gun? It teaches him respect for the weapon and proper use of the weapon, therefore, he is less likely to kill himself. I doubt most of those cases where kids found dad's gun and started to play with it knew anything about the weapon-except what TV showed them. Plus, that's one less kid that'll get picked up by some crazy molester.


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Rainfall may make

Liist's picture
Joined: Apr 2008

Greenlover17;84058 wrote:Question.

If all the guns are taken away from the populace, why would that stop the murders? They are already doing something illegal, why not steal a gun or pick another weapon of choice?

I decide what to do with the gun, so maybe gun control laws should focus more on the criminals and less on the guns.

I personally will earn a concealed weapons permit when I am older. As far as I'm concerned, the more people who can defend themselves, the better. Just think, some people go in to rob a bank and find themselves surrounded by shooters. You think they'll rob that bank?

I've been in many a domestic situation where I have wished with all my might to have access to a gun. My father came into my sister's and my bedroom with a knife in preparation to kill her, and he had my mom be the throat with that same knife when she tried to stop him-unarmed.

I've had to protect a great many people with my bare hands, and put myself in very dangerous positions for it, so I know the value of a gun.

A gun doesn't even need to be fired to deter crime, just flash it and most people will know who not to mess with. A gun is protection, and if they ban guns, I'll train myself in how to use a knife.

No one is going to take away my right to protect myself and mine. Not even the government.

Plus, what's wrong with a five year old having a gun? It teaches him respect for the weapon and proper use of the weapon, therefore, he is less likely to kill himself. I doubt most of those cases where kids found dad's gun and started to play with it knew anything about the weapon-except what TV showed them. Plus, that's one less kid that'll get picked up by some crazy molester.


I think that the liberals have heard this logic so many times it makes their head spins. They still can't grasp how a gun will deter crimes.

However, I have to state that gun control actually works. The only lie is who it works for.

Gun control works for the criminal. If guns are taken away, then crimes will not decrease or even plateau out; violent crimes increase greatly. See Australia for a good example, and don't even mention Washington D.C. when they had a handgun ban and a law that forced gun owners to unload their longarms and put them in a safe with a trigger lock.

Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008

Yeah, it's that what I said?


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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Liist's picture
Joined: Apr 2008

Pretty much.

I just really want to debate a liberal hippie gun control activist that can really answer my questions. I have yet to find one that can make logical connections. Most of them weed out facts that confirm their statements, ignoring all the other statistics.

Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008

Oh, well, I'm not sure I am one, but ask some questions and I'll try my best. I do tend to ignore a lot of facts, gets me into a bunch of trouble in Chemistry and History...


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Rainfall may make

Ferris Bueller's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

the reason that gun control works is because:

1) how many people die from accidental gun use?
if people don't have guns they can't accidentaly shoot their friends
2) the gun gives the criminal power
when you say that the criminals are the ones who do bad things with guns you are missing one thing. how many of those criminals would shoot people if they didn't have guns? how many people find it easier to become criminals because they have guns.

the argument i always hear against gun control is that criminals will get guns anyways. no one ever considers how many people commit their first crime because they have the power of a gun.

also, who says gun control means that you can't have a gun? just because it is harder to get one does not mean you can't have one. furthermore, it is only harder to get a gun if you are not supposed to have one (the afore-mentioned criminal, for example).

you complain about how the "liberal hippie gun control activists" ignore facts that don't suit thier argument but you are doing that right now.

all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...

I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics

BioHazard's picture
Joined: Jun 2008

We are arguing about gun control. I for one hate guns and the fact that they even exist. However, I want to know how to use one because even though my life is filled with innocence and I haven't had a reason to lift a fist towards anyone at all...I may have to one day. On the other hand, a bit of control can be a good thing.

So I guess what I'm babbling about is that guns are pretty much a parallel to our growing population. If you don't control it's distribution...it can seriously be deadly. The more people get comfortable with guns and the easier it is to access them, guns will be seen less as the horrible object that it is.

Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008

To Ferris, never said I was against hippie activists, so I'll assume that was directed at Liist. But, I do admit to ignoring facts, mainly because they just don't come to mind.

You do have a point, some people are opportunistic, and others are pre-meditative. It's true, guns are the easiest weapon to use, mainly because it can take little skill to 'aim' at somebody and shoot. My fist attempt at target practice resulted in my hitting of the seven-foot away target at least five times out of the twenty, and I had no idea what they were talking about for aiming.

But, I guess what I don't understand about your second point is that if a criminal is going to assault someone who says it has to be a gun and that they won't find another way to do it?

And, my point on accidental gun use is that if people actually learned how to use and respect that gun, I bet those accidents would drop in number.

To BioHazard,

Guns are dangerous, but they are also life-savers. I'm not sure why familiarity with the weapon is a bad thing. The more people who know how to handle the gun, the better. Less accidents result and control is given. I can't view a gun as a horrible object, it does what it was made to do, but it's the person who decides how and why it will do what.

I understand my view is both biased and naive, but my experiences with gun control so far are limited and of the negative variety.

By the by, what the crap is with that judge who banned the use of the second amendment and the mention of NRA in his courtroom?


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Rainfall may make


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