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Ideas of what to do with a friend

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thscs112's picture
Joined: Feb 2008
Ideas of what to do with a friend

My and my other friend love tohang out together, but lately, I think that she is bored. We usually go biking, or we just watch a movie at the theaters, but I was wondering what other things we could do that are fun. I was thinking about going tot he aquarium or zoo. Does anyone else have ideas? I'm a guy and she's a girl by the way.

Shadow's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

My friends and I are diner/coffeeshop people. We'll just go and talk for hours about random stuff.

But then again we're nerds.

Ferris Bueller's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

yeah, i'm deffinately a hang out and do random stuff kinda guy. my best suggestion would be to make her pick what you guys are going to do. i mean, i don't really know what there is to do in your area but chances are, if she is getting bored, then she will have something in mind that she wants to do.

all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...

I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics

thscs112's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

Well I always ask her what she wants to do before doing anything, and she just says that she is up for anything. I then ask if she would want to do this or that, and she says that it sounds really fun, so we just do what I say. This time around, I'll ask her to give me a straight answer.

Ferris Bueller's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

i wouldn't push the point to hard though. just tell her that it is her turn to pick what to do or say that you have no idea what to do that day. that way she has to pick but you aren't really "making" her do something. i don't know really. you two sound to me like really good friends who hang out alot. i have a friend like that and sometimes we have to stop hanging out for a little while just to get a break from always being around eachother.

all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...

I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics

thscs112's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

Haha, ya we are pretty great friends. And I'm not gonna push her, but I'll ask for her opinion. By the way, one last thing. Do any of you know something that is really fun and memorable to do? Since she is going off to college, I would want her to have the time of her life that week before she goes and I would want her to remember it for a long time.

One idea a riend gave me was tot ake her to the beach and watch the sunset. That sounded like a good idea, but after thinking about it, would it seem a bit suggestive or something? I mean, we both don't like each other that way, though I used to a while back. Any opinions?

Ferris Bueller's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

well, the sunset at the beach could be wierd. that is usually a thing shared between to people who are romantically involved or just completely drunk out of their minds. since you are not really either i would advise against it.

if you guys have a band that you both like that will be in town then go to that. concerts are always a great idea. depending on where you are located, going on a road trip could be really fun too (although with gas prices i don't know).

all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...

I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics

thscs112's picture
Joined: Feb 2008

Ya, I thought that it would be a bit awkward as well. I guess I'll ask her what she wants to do on that day before she leaves and essentially be her chauffeur. It will be her last night after all, so I would want her to have as much fun as possible.

Gosh, whenever I ask her what she is in the mood for, she tells me to pick. I ask her why, and she jokingly says "Cause I told you so, so do it", which she probably did. I am never able to get any ideas out of her. =( I'll try and ask what she wants to do first next time, though how do I get her to pick something? I don't want to be like the control freak and what not.

Ok, one more question cause I don't think it really deserves a separate thread. Because she is going away at the end of the summer,I wasthinking about getting her a going away present, though Id on't have many ideas. One that I'm leaning towards is makinga picture frame that says "Best friends forever" or something around those lines. Does anyone have any other ideas or just a comment about mine?

Ferris Bueller's picture
Joined: Mar 2008

sorry i missed that last bit when i read this earlier. the picture frame is a good idea. something else you could do is go and take lots of pictures of the places you guys hang out and add the pictures you already have of you guys doing stuff and make a *montage* (i hope that's right) on your computer and add some music and then burn it onto a dvd. if you have any videos you could add clips too.

whatever you end up doing make sure that it is something that is hard to lose but easy to take places. that way it wont feel like a burden for her.

i hope this is usefull in some way and i will try and come up with some other ideas.

all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...

I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics

Greenlover17's picture
Joined: May 2008

Yeah, picture frames are a good idea. Most girls love photos and scrapbooks to store their memories away. You could also put together a push-pin board or some kind of organizer that can hold coats and bags, etc that would fit nicely in a dorm. That kind of stuff is relatively easy to create, can be personalized, and is very convent for dorm life-or apartments.

I know my sister loved this 'file cabinet' that we put together for her school papers, etc. It's got something from everyone on it, too.

Hope this helps,


Just Breathe...

A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.

Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Rainfall may make

Der Läufer's picture
Joined: Feb 2007

The idea of a DVD of photos and whatnot is a really good one. That when, when she's missing you or home she can pop that in and watch it. One of my friends did that for her boyfriend. We all basically spent the whole day around town taking tons of photos and then she made the DVD the next day. It was pretty cool.



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