What are your opinions?
For example: I got admission and a large scholarship to my state school. But I'm applying to several prestigious universities like Georgetown, Notre Dame, etc...
So, the question is, would you go for the renown school or the bargain priced school? (assuming that the your major is the same for both schools)
Sometimes you can get the best of both worlds. I was able to go to a somewhat prestigious school but I got a pretty good scholarship and I was an RA so I ended up paying less than what I wouldve paid at a state school.
I would look at other factors like class size, who teaches the classes (professors or TAs), career counseling services, etc.
I can say that the company I work for now has a list of target schools for their recruiting efforts and my school happened to be one of the schools they targeted so it was much easier for me to get an interview with them than if I just submitted my resume online. So thats something else to keep in mind
Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)
What career do you plan to go into?
If you're like me who plans to go into pharmacy, then it wouldn't matter much if the university was prestigious or not.
In my personal opinion, I would accept the large scholarship and stay in-state to save money and to visit my family more easier.
Money and family are two my my top priorities in life.. :)
[IMG]http://sbuft.com/Pansy.jpg[/IMG] The symbol of freethought.
If you can afford to do so, I'd say go for the more prestigious school. I think it'd probably pay off more in the end, though there's nothing wrong with bargain schools. Best of luck :)