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Piracy: It's illegal, should it be?

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shenkerism's picture
Joined: Nov 2010
Piracy: It's illegal, should it be?

Simple. Debate. Piracy is illegal in many countries, but these laws are often difficult to enforce and easy to get around.
Should it be illegal? Is it really wrong? Can we define piracy? Can we define the terms we just used to define piracy? :)

Time to get more coffee...:rolleyes:

AdminChris's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

Are we talking about like downloading music piracy or somalia out on the open water piracy?

Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)

shenkerism's picture
Joined: Nov 2010

LOL, Downloading music piracy. But if you want to talk about Somalian Pirates I can't stop you, you're the admin here.

Time to get more coffee...:rolleyes:

WiseBro's picture
Joined: Nov 2011

I feel like it should be illegal, but it would be a greater waste of resources to try and impose consequences on those who choose to steal music. I'm a small time musician, and it would bug me if someone were to steal my original work. I do think that places like NoiseTrade are good, though, because even thought they give the music away for free, the musician gets the email and zip code of the people who downloaded it, so you can let people know when you have a concert in their area. It builds relationships with people who like your music and you make more money in the end.

Oh, and I guess that Somalian Pirate activities are pretty illegal too. :)

mattmoon's picture
Joined: Mar 2012

lets say that its something that like plagarism.-which eng.teachers hate of course. (*twisting invisible beard when someone copy-paste from wiki)But, I see as you get older what is your "own" knowledge. All knowledge for most people comes from book, friends etc; Just a little thing to think about from the definition of piracy.

mrbass1234's picture
Joined: Aug 2012

It probably should be, but at the same time I find myself guilty of it occasionally. 

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