? Hundred Years War 1337 to 1453 War of the Roses 1455 to 1485 Dutch Revolt 1568 to 1648 War of 3 Henrys 1584-1598 Thirty Years? War 1618 to 1648 English Civil War 1642-1651 War of Spanish Succession 1701-1714 War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748 7 Years? War Napoleonic Wars ?Started from English control of some French land; England also clamed the French throne Ended with Treaty of Br?tigny, don?t need to know Effects brought debt to England, destruction to France; strengthened French Government; develops English parliament Started White York and Red Lancaster both claim Throne; Ended with the marriage of Lancaster?s King Henry VII with York?s Daughter of Edward?s daughter Effects no dynasty change; nobles destroyed(more Royal power
War Review
? Hundred Years War 1337 to 1453 War of the Roses 1455 to 1485 Dutch Revolt 1568 to 1648 War of 3 Henrys 1584-1598 Thirty Years? War 1618 to 1648 English Civil War 1642-1651 War of Spanish Succession 1701-1714 War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748 7 Years? War Napoleonic Wars ?Started from English control of some French land; England also clamed the French throne Ended with Treaty of Br?tigny, don?t need to know Effects brought debt to England, destruction to France; strengthened French Government; develops English parliament Started White York and Red Lancaster both claim Throne; Ended with the marriage of Lancaster?s King Henry VII with York?s Daughter of Edward?s daughter Effects no dynasty change; nobles destroyed(more Royal power
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