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§upa - Jeopardy - 36 - The Russian Revolution Flashcards

A list of Jeopardy terms relating to the Russian Revolution

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21889074Tsar Nicholas IIRussia's ruler from 1894 until 19170
21889075StrikesWork stoppages that forced the tsar to make some changes1
21889076ArmyImportant strategic body that remained loyal to the tsar in 19052
21889077Industrial DevelopmentRussia had very little of this kind of development.3
21889078Students, Workers, PeasantsThe three groups who protested their discontent4
21889079PeasantsRussian people who lived in poverty after being freed5
21889080Absolute MonarchyRussia's form of government before the revolution6
21889081Bloody SundayViolent event of 1905 when soldiers shot peaceful marchers7
21889082Good Equipment, Supplies, LeadershipWorld War I Russian soldiers lacked these necessities.8
21889083PetrogradCapital of tsarist Russia9
21889084Civil LibertiesThe Russian people were promised these in 1905 but never got them.10
21889085Railroads, Good RoadsRussia had few of these two essentials of transportation.11
21889086Strikes, Street DemonstrationsTwo kinds of events that broke out in 191712
21889087SoldiersMembers of this key group deserted the government and joined the rioters.13
21889088JapanDefeat in a war against this small country in 1904-05 exposed the Russian gov't's weakness.14
21889089Revolution of 1905Uprising that forced some temporary reforms15
21889090DumaParliament created after the 1905 uprising16
21889091CasualtiesThese were enormous for Russia in World War I.17
21889092October ManifestoDecree of 1905 that promised individual liberties and limited elections18
21889093Dissolve the LegislatureThe tsar's reaction to the legislature's demands for reform19
21889094AbdicatedThe Romanov monarchy ended in March 1917 when the tsar did this.20
21889095SovietsLocal revolutionary councils of workers and soldiers21
21889096BolsheviksThe radical Marxists22
21889097LeninLeader of the Bolsheviks23
21889098ProletariatClass, very small in Russia, that Marx expected would revolt24
21889099RedSymbolic revolutionary color adopted by the communists25
21889100Provisional GovernmentTemporary government set up in March 191726
21889101MensheviksThe moderate Marxists27
21889102SovietsGroups that rivaled the temporary government for power28
21889103LeninVladimir Ilyich Ulyanov29
21889104MarxismLenin modified this socialistic-communistic philosophy.30
21889105Exile (Switzerland)Where Lenin had lived before his return to Russia31
21889106Bolshevik Revolution (2nd Russian Revolution)The seizure of power in November 191732
21889107Communist PartyNew name for the Bolsheviks as of 191833
21889108Civil WarAfter the second revolution, Russia suffered through three years of this.34
21889109Red ArmyThe military forces of the new government35
21889110RomanovsRussian family whose rule ended in 191736
21889111GermanyCountry that arranged for Lenin's return to Russia from exile37
21889112"Peace, Land, Bread"Lenin's slogan38
21889113Central PowersWorld War II participants with whom Russia signed peace treaties39
21889114WhitesRussians who fought the Communists from 1917 to 192040
21889115AlliesWestern nations that helped the Whites with money, arms, and troops41
21889116March RevolutionThe uprising that ousted the tsar42
21889117MoscowNew communist capital of the U.S.S.R.43
21889118PetrogradOld, precommunist capital of Russia44
21889119SocialismGuiding economic system of the U.S.S.R.45
21889120ExecutionFate of the tsar and his family46
21889121StarvationAgriculture declined so badly, city people faced this.47
21889122GovernmentOwner of the major industries48
21889123Soviet UnionAlternative name for the U.S.S.R.49
21889124Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsRussia's official new name50
21889125Nicholas, AlexandraTsar and tsarina who were the last ruling monarchs of Russia51
21889126RepublicsSeparate government entities joined together in the federal union52
21889127Marxism-LeninismLenin's modified version of Marxist theory53
21889128"One Step Backward"Lenin decided the U.S.S.R. had to take this before it could take "two steps forward"54
21889129Foreign CapitalOutside source of funds welcomed for development55
21889130Red ArmyGroups whose needs were first met during the war56
21889131Industry, Industrial WorkersLack of this made it difficult to build a Marxist society.57
21889132Small group of BolsheviksPeople who carried out the revolution instead of the workers58
21889133Communist PartyOrganization that ruled the Soviet Union under Lenin59
21889134Western CapitalismMarx based his "scientific socialism" on this form of economic development60
21889135New Economic PolicyLenin's economic policy, which was not pure Marxism61
21889136Free EnterpriseLenin's economic policy allowed some of this.62
21889137Red TerrorWave of executions similar to the French Reign of Terror63
21889138National CongressHuge representative body that had little real power64
21889139StalinSecretary general of the Communist Party and Lenin's successor65
21889140Totalitarian StateType of state established by Stalin66
21889141Command Economy (State-Controlled)Type of economy Stalin established67
21889142Consumer GoodsThese were sharply reduced while heavy industry was vastly expanded.68
21889143PeasantsPeople who fiercely resisted Stalin's agricultural policy69
21889144"Man of Steel"English translation of the Russian word stalin70
21889145Trotsky, StalinMain rivals for post-Lenin leadership71
21889146All over the worldWhere the revolution had to take place, according to Marx, in order to be successful72
21889147U.S.S.R. OnlyWhere the revolution should stay for the time being, according to Stalin73
21889148Five-Year PlansMaster plans of Soviet growth74
21889149Collectives (State-owned)All farms, under Stalin75
21889150Russian Orthodox ChurchOrganization that lost its property76
21889151AtheismBelief taught to children in place of religion77
21889152Socialist RealismArtistic style required under Stalin78
21889153PolitburoArm of the Communist party that held most power79
21889154PurgesStalin's "purification," or removal of everyone not loyal to him80
21889155GeorgiaStalin's native republic81
21889156TrotskyLev Bronstein, brilliant party organizer82
21889157ExileOutcome of the power struggle for Trotsky83
21889158MurderTrotsky's final fate84
21889159Supreme SovietThe parliament under Stalin85
21889160CominternOrganization that agitated for the overthrow of capitalist governments86
21889161PresidiumSmall ruling committee of the parliament87

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