A list of Jeopardy terms relating to Southwestern and Central Asia
13499578 | Steppe | Dry grassland of Central Asia | 0 | |
13499579 | Nomadic Herding | Way of life of the Mongols of the grasslands | 1 | |
13499580 | Khan | Term for a Mongol clan leader | 2 | |
13499581 | Genghis Khan | The Great Khan | 3 | |
13499582 | China | Far eastern country conquered by the Great Khan | 4 | |
13499583 | Terror | Important psychological weapon employed by Genghis Khan | 5 | |
13499584 | Catapults, Gunpowder | New weapons and technology Genghis Khan adopted from his enemies | 6 | |
13499585 | Kiev | Important Russian city destroyed by the Mongols | 7 | |
13499586 | Kublai Khan | Grandson of Genghis Khan, who ruled China | 8 | |
13499587 | Golden Horde | Colorful term for the Mongol armies | 9 | |
13499588 | Beijing | Modern name of the Mongol capital city in China | 10 | |
13499589 | Japan | Country to the east of China that Kublai Khan's naval fleet attacked twice | 11 | |
13499590 | Tolerance | Genghis Khan's policy toward people once he had conquered their lands | 12 | |
13499591 | Bubonic Plague, Ideas, Inventions | Things other than trade goods that moved along the Eurasian trade routes | 13 | |
13499592 | Universal Ruler | What "Genghis Khan" translates into in English | 14 | |
13499593 | Temujin | Genghis Khan's birth name | 15 | |
13499594 | Mongol Peace | Period of stability and law and order across Eurasia under Mongol rule | 16 | |
13499595 | Persia | Country in the southwestern area of the empire ruled by the Ilkhanate | 17 | |
13499596 | Yuan Dynasty | Name of the Mongol dynasty in China | 18 | |
13499597 | Russia | Country in the northwestern area of the empire ruled by the Khanate of the Golden Horde | 19 | |
13499598 | Southeast Asia | Region where Kublai Khan's armies and navies suffered many defeats | 20 | |
13499599 | Mongol | English meaning of the Persian word Mughal | 21 | |
13499600 | Northern Plain | Area of India that often split into warring local kingdoms | 22 | |
13499601 | Hindus | People who were second-class citizens under some Muslim rulers | 23 | |
13499602 | Taj Mahal | Stunning tombs built for Mumtaz Mahal | 24 | |
13499603 | Islam | Religion of the Mughals | 25 | |
13499604 | Heavy Taxes | Cause of popular revolts against the Mughal rulers in the 1600s | 26 | |
13499605 | Hindi | Language of India's common people, a mixture of Persian and a local language | 27 | |
13499606 | Arabs | People whose invasion of India in 711 went no farther than the Indus Valley | 28 | |
13499607 | Buddhism | Widespread destruction of monasteries caused a drastic decline in this religion in India. | 29 | |
13499608 | Akbar | Chief builder of the Mughal empire, the founder's grandson, called "the Great" | 30 | |
13499609 | Shah Jahan | Ruler who was deeply interested in the arts and built a magnificent tomb for his wife | 31 | |
13499610 | Kill Their Rivals | What most Mughal rulers did to secure their throne | 32 | |
13499611 | Tolerance | Akbar's policy toward non-Muslims | 33 | |
13499612 | Tamerlane (Timur Lang, Timur the Lame) | Warrior leader from Central Asia whose army destroyed Delhi in 1398 | 34 | |
13499613 | Delhi | Capital of the sultanate that ruled much of northern India from 1206 to 1526 | 35 | |
13499614 | Urdu | New "soldiers' language," a blend of Persian, Arabic, and Hindi | 36 | |
13499615 | Sikhs | Members of a religious group that organized into anti-Mughal military forces | 37 | |
13499616 | Nur Jahan | Real ruler of India during her husband Jahangir's reign | 38 | |
13499617 | Mahmud | Turkish sultan whose armies invaded India about 1000 | 39 | |
13499618 | Aurangzeb | The last strong Mughal ruler, who had to fight many rebellions | 40 | |
13499619 | Babur | Founder of the Mughal Empire in 1526 | 41 | |
13499620 | Persia | Land where the Safavid Empire was located | 42 | |
13499621 | Mughal Empire | Powerful empire to the east of the Safavid Empire | 43 | |
13499622 | Ottoman Empire | Powerful empire to the west of the Safavid Empire | 44 | |
13499623 | Turkish | Native language of the Safavids and Seljuks | 45 | |
13499624 | Crusades | Western attacks against the Seljuks in Palestine | 46 | |
13499625 | Shi'ite | Branch of Islam to which the Safavids belonged | 47 | |
13499626 | Sunni | Branch of Islam to which the Seljuks converted | 48 | |
13499627 | Shah | Ancient Persian title for king adopted by Safavid and Seljuk rulers | 49 | |
13499628 | Abbas the Great | Most outstanding Safavid ruler | 50 | |
13499629 | Carpets | Persian trade item much in demand in the West | 51 | |
13499630 | Baghdad | Persian city the Seljuks took in 1055 | 52 | |
13499631 | Persian Gulf | Body of water that formed the southern boundary of the Safavid Empire | 53 | |
13499632 | Ottoman Empire | Empire that the Seljuks defeated in the Battle of Manzikeet in 1071 | 54 | |
13499633 | Omar Khayyam | Famous Persian poet patronized by the Seljuk sultan | 55 | |
13499634 | Mongols | Invaders who crushed the remnants of the Seljuk Empire | 56 | |
13499635 | Saladin | Kurdish leader of the Seljuk military who recaptured Jerusalem in 1187 | 57 | |
13499636 | Malik Shah | Most famous Seljuk sultan | 58 | |
13499637 | Vizier | Title of the Seljuk ruler's prime minister | 59 | |
13499638 | Isfahan | Persian city that was the capital of both the Seljuk and Safavid Empires | 60 | |
13499639 | Isma'il | Teenage ruler who established the Safavid Empire | 61 | |
13499640 | Abbasid Empire | Muslim empire that the Seljuks migrated into around 970 | 62 | |
13499641 | Cannon | New weapon the Ottomans used to capture walled cities | 63 | |
13499642 | Gunpowder | Basis of the Ottoman soldiers' military success | 64 | |
13499643 | Turkish | Native language of the Ottomans | 65 | |
13499644 | Central Asia | Land where the Ottomans originated | 66 | |
13499645 | Asia Minor | Area that the Ottomans migrated into that became the core of the empire | 67 | |
13499646 | Nomadic | Original way of life of the Ottomans | 68 | |
13499647 | Islam | Religion of the Ottomans | 69 | |
13499648 | Muhammad II | Ottoman ruler and military leader who captured Constantinople in 1453 | 70 | |
13499649 | Istanbul | New Ottoman name for the city of Constantinople | 71 | |
13499650 | Vienna | West European city besieged by Ottomans in 1529 and 1683 | 72 | |
13499651 | Suleiman | Ottoman sultan called "the Lawgiver" and "the Magnificent" | 73 | |
13499652 | Janissaries | Elite troops of slaves who were former Christians | 74 | |
13499653 | Sultan | Term for an Ottoman ruler, meaning "overlord" or "one with power" | 75 | |
13499654 | Balkan (Peninsula, Area, Hungary) | European area captured by the Ottomans | 76 | |
13499655 | Mosque of Suleiman | Architectural masterpiece of Suleiman's reign | 77 | |
13499656 | Hagia Sophia | Magnificent Christian church in Constantinople that became a magnificent mosque | 78 | |
13499657 | Osman (Bey) | Ruler who gave his name to the Ottomans | 79 | |
13499658 | Sinan | Royal architect under Suleiman | 80 | |
13499659 | Selim the Grim | Brutal Ottoman ruler who took Mecca, Medina, and Cairo | 81 | |
13499660 | Millets | Non-Muslim religious communities | 82 | |
13499661 | Divan | Council that advised the Ottoman rulers | 83 | |
13499662 | Spain, Italy | Nations who destroyed the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 | 84 |