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§upa - Jeopardy Terms - 24 - The French Revolution & Napoleon Flashcards

A list of Jeopardy terms relating to the French Revolution and Napoleon

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18831011EstatesName for the three classes of French society0
18831012TaxesClergy and nobles did not pay these1
18831013Middle ClassClass of people most in favor of change2
18831014Marie AntoinetteWife of the French king, charming and irresponsible3
18831015ClergyMembers of the First Estate4
18831016NobilityMembers of the Second Estate5
18831017Everyone Else (Excluding Clergy and Nobility)Members of the Third Estate6
18831018Individual Rights (Personal Liberties)The people had none of these before the Revolution.7
18831019American RevolutionForeign event that strongly influenced French thinking.8
18831020American Revolutionary WarForeign war that drained the French treasury in the 1770s9
18831021Estates-GeneralBody called to meet for the first time in 175 years10
18831022Louis XVIFrench king before and during the Revolution11
18831023Credit (Money)Lack of this caused the king to call on the assembly.12
188310241 (One)Number of votes each estate had in the Estates-General13
18831025VersaillesSite of the costly French court14
18831026Bourgeoisie, Manual Workers, Serfs & PeasantsThe three subdivisions of the Third Estate15
18831027Old RegimeThe traditional political and social system of France before the Revolution16
18831028EnlightenmentIntellectual movement that strongly influenced French thinking about reform17
18831029Together (Not Separately)How the Third Estate insisted the Estates must meet18
18831030National AssemblyWhat the Third Estate declared themselves to be in 178919
18831031Tennis Court OathPledge taken by the Third Estate to write a constitution20
18831032BastilleParisian fort taken by a mob on July 14, 178921
18831033"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"Slogan of the Revolution22
18831034The PeopleSource of government authority, according to the Declaration23
18831035Reign of TerrorThe wave of killing from 1793 to 179424
18831036GuillotineInstrument used for execution25
18831037BeheadingFate of Louis XVI and his wife26
18831038DirectoryGovernment of five directors under the third constitution27
18831039(Jean-Paul) MaratLeader of extreme radicals, assassinated in his bath28
18831040Robespierre, DantonThe two leaders of the radical Jacobins29
18831041Austria, PrussiaTwo countries that invaded France in 179230
18831042Moderates, Radicals, ConservativesThe three different groups in the Legislative Assembly31
18831043Limited Constitutional MonarchyType of government set up by the Constitution of 179132
18831044ChurchThe National Assembly took away this institution's land33
18831045ParisThe royal family and National Assembly moved to this city34
18831046Declaration of the Rights of Man and the CitizenDocument that stated the Revolution's principles35
18831047TricolorFrench flag of three colors adopted in 178936
18831048abolishing both serfdom and tax exemptions for nobles and clergyThe two reforms passed by the National Assembly in August 178937
18831049CommuneCity government of Paris set up by radicals38
18831050National ConventionElected group that governed France from 1792 to 179539
18831051Revolutionary TribunalRadical court that tried enemies of the Revolution40
18831052Committee of Public SafetyCommittee that directed the army41
18831053DictatorType of ruler napoleon was from 1799 to 181442
18831054LegislatureThis body had no power under Napoleon43
18831055Strong Central GovernmentNapoleon concentrated authority to create this type of government.44
18831056EmperorNapoleon's new title from 1804 on45
18831057RelativesPeople Napoleon often placed on the thrones of conquered states.46
18831058CorsicaIsland where Napoleon was born47
18831059EgyptNapoleon fought British forces in this African country.48
18831060CoalitionsAlliances formed against France49
18831061Napoleonic CodeNew, uniform system of French civil laws50
18831062Freedom of Speech, Freedom of PressThe two revolutionary rights Napoleon took away from people51
18831063Notre Dame CathedralParis landmark where Napoleon was crowned52
18831064Conscription (The Draft)Method of getting soldiers for the Army53
18831065Austria, EnglandTwo countries that made peace with Napoleon in 1801 and 180254
18831066LouisianaVast territory that Napoleon sold in 1803 to raise money for his army55
18831067Admiral Horatio NelsonBritish admiral killed in 1805 in a sea battle against France56
18831068First ConsulNapoleon's title from 1799 to 180457
18831069"A Nation of Shopkeepers"Napoleon expressed contempt for the British by calling them this.58
18831070Continental SystemTerm for Napoleon's blockade of the British Isle59
18831071Holy Roman EmpireEmpire abolished by Napoleon60
18831072Confederation of the RhineUnion of German states organized by Napoleon61
18831073AusterlitzAustrian town where Napoleon defeated Russian and Austrian forces in 180562
18831074French RevolutionNapoleon's conquests spread the ideas of this movement throughout Europe63
18831075SmugglingWidespread activity that violated Napoleon's blockade64
18831076RussiaHuge eastern European country Napoleon invaded in 181265
18831077ElbaIsland off Italy that Napoleon was exiled to66
18831078WaterlooNapoleon's final defeat67
18831079NationalismNapoleon's conquests promoted the growth of this feeling.68
18831080Non-FrenchmenDrafting of these people weakened Napoleon's army.69
18831081Portugal, SpainSouthern European countries that drove out the French in 1812-370
18831082Severe Russian WinterNatural phenomenon that helped defeat Napoleon in Russia71
18831083Retreat from MoscowNapoleon's most severe military disaster, 1812-372
18831084St. HelenaIsland off Africa where Napoleon died73
18831085Duke of WellingtonBritish commander who defeated Napoleon in the final battle74
18831086Germany, ItalyNapoleon inspired desire for national unity in these two areas.75
18831087Being an army of citizens, not professionalsImportant difference between Napoleon's army and earlier armies76
18831088Peninsular WarThe war on the Iberian Peninsula77
18831089Guerrilla WarfareTerm for the Spaniards' style of fighting78
18831090"Battle of the Nations" at LeipzigNapoleon's defeat in 181379
18831091BourbonsRuling family restored to the French Throne in 181480
18831092Louis XVIIINapoleon's successor as ruler of France81
18831093Hundred DaysPeriod of Napoleon's final rule in 181582

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