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§upa - Jeopardy Terms - 3 - Egypt Flashcards

A list of Jeopardy terms relating to Egyptian Civilization.

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9403735AfricaContinent Egypt is part of0
9403736NileEgypt's major river1
9403737Mediterranean SeaBody of water into which Egypt's major river empties2
9403738Nile DeltaRegion formed by the mouth of Egypt's major river3
9403739DesertType of land that bordered Egypt's river valley4
9403740SphinxColossal statue of a crouching lion with a human head5
9403741Great PyramidLargest of the Egyptian kings' tombs6
9403742Upper EgyptAncient kingdom of southern Egypt7
9403743Lower EgyptAncient kingdom of northern Egypt8
9403744ThebesCapital city of the New Kingdom in central Egypt9
9403745CataractsSeries of great waterfalls in Egypt's major river10
9403746GizaSite of the Great Pyramid, plus other pyramids11
9403747NubiaLand to the south that became part of Egypt during the empire12
9403748MineralsType of resource scarce in Egypt, usually traded for13
9403749Dry ClimateThis kept many Egyptian manuscripts and artifacts preserved for centuries14
9403750Red SeaBody of water on Egypt's eastern boundary15
94037514000 MilesTotal length of Egypt's major river16
9403752Syria and PalestineTwo Middle Eastern areas that became part of Egypt's empire during the New Kingdom17
9403753Isthmus of SuezLand that joined Egypt with western Asia18
9403754MemphisCapital city of the Old Kingdom19
9403755HeliopolisGreat center for advanced study (especially astronomy and religion)20
9403756Tell el Amarna (Tall al Mamarinah)New capital city established by Ikhnaton (Akhenaton or Amenhotep IV)21
9403757GodReligious status of the Egyptian ruler22
9403758PyramidsTombs built to house the deathless rulers23
9403759MummificationThis process preserved bodies for the afterlife24
9403760TemplesBuildings constructed to honor gods, especially Amon-Re25
9403761ReGod of the Sun26
9403762OsirisGod of the Underworld; personification of the Nile27
9403763IsisFertility goddess; wife of Osiris28
9403764Aten (Aton)New single god decree by Ikhnaton29
9403765Book of the DeadCollection of magic spells to help achieve life after death30
9403766Tombs(cut into cliffs)Pharaohs' burial places during the Middle Kingdom31
9403767Sacred AnimalEach god's symbol, revered and mummified32
9403768Life after DeathMajor preoccupation of Egyptian religion33
9403769ScarabSacred insect34
9403770AmonGod of Thebes35
9403771Amon-ReChief Egyptian god36
9403772HorusSon of Re, also of Osiris and Isis37
9403773West Bank of NileWhere all the pyramids were built38
9403774Eater of the DeadMonster that devoured sinful souls39
9403775ScaleDevice used by god Osiris to judge a soul40
9403776MonotheismBelief in a single god41
9403777PolytheismBelief in a number of gods42
9403778Hapi (Apis)A sacred bull worshipped by the ancient Egyptians43
9403779Tut (Tutankhamen)Boy-king whose unopened tomb was discovered C.E. 192244
9403780Priests and NoblesHereditary groups who took some power away from Egyptian rulers45
9403781PharaohEgyptian ruler46
9403782Brother-Sister MarriageType of marriage practiced by Egyptian rulers47
9403783DynastyA series of rulers from a single family; ancient Egypt had 31 of these over 2600 years48
9403784MenesRuler who united northern and southern Egypt (c. 3000 B.C.E.)49
9403785Akhenaton (Ikhnaton)New name of the ruler who established belief in a single god50
9403786NefertitiWife and sister of Ikhnaton (Akhenaton)51
9403787Ramses IILast strong ruler of ancient Egypt52
9403788Old KingdomFirst era of ancient Egyptian history; the Pyramid Age53
9403789Middle KingdomSecond era of ancient Egyptian history54
9403790New KingdomThird era of ancient Egyptian history; a period of conquest55
9403791Alexander the GreatLeader who conquered Egypt in 332 B.C.E.56
9403792PharaohOriginal owner of all Egyptian land57
9403793Khufu (Cheops)King entombed in the Great Pyramid58
9403794Howard CarterMan who discovered King Tut's tomb59
9403795AhmosePrince who drove out the Hyksos and began the New Kingdom60
9403796HatshepsutFemale ruler who expanded trade and public building61
9403797Thutmose IIIRuler who expanded Egyptian rule into Syria and Palestine62
9403798KushSouthern kingdom that ruled Egypt from c. 750 to 670 B.C.E.63
9403799HyksosAsian people who ruled Egypt from c. 1700 B.C.E. to 1600 B.C.E.64
9403800AssyriansPeople who conquered Egypt in c. 670 B.C.E.65
9403801Hieroglyphic SystemAncient Egyptian system of writing66
9403802PapyrusPaperlike Egyptian writing material67
9403803Rosetta StoneArtifact that showed how to decipher Egyptian writing68
9403804AgricultureEconomic basis of Egyptian power and wealth69
9403805TradeSource of wealth for Egypt in addition to agriculture70
9403806MedicineHealing science in which Egyptians became proficient71
9403807CitiesCenters of government and religion72
9403808InkMaterial Egyptians used to write with73
9403809Mud-Brick (Reeds and Mud)Building material of Egyptian villagers74
9403810HorseAnimal introduced to Egypt by the invading Hyksos75
9403811ScribeHereditary writing and record-keeping professional76
9403812JuneTime of year when the river flood began77
9403813GeometryMathematical skill developed by Egyptians to measure land78
9403814365-Day CalendarType of calendar developed by Egyptians; An improvement over the lunar calendar79
9403815CottonImportant crop in both ancient and modern Egypt80
9403816Ramps and LeversDevices used to build the pyramids81
9403817EstatesHomes of wealthy Egyptians outside the city82
9403818GranariesStorage buildings for grain from good harvests83
9403819Granite and LimestoneThe two building materials for the pyramids84
940382080Approximate number of pyramids built85

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