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10 Chinese Dynasties Flashcards

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153554700(2500-1500 BCE) This dynasty ruled in Eastern China along the Yellow River Valley. They started to work with bronze and lived at the same time as Sumer. Also silk worms were cultivated.Xia0
153554701(1000-250 BCE) This feudalistic dynasty was the first to have written law. They had an iron coin currency and They were the 1st to declare Mandate of Heaven and Confucious lived during this era; the "One Hundred Schools Era."Zhou1
153554702(1500-1000 BCE) This dynasty was run by 7 or 8 different families who all moved the capital. The king was viewed as an inter-mediary between the people and god. Known for their artistic bronze and 2 horse chariots. They also believed in veneration of ancestorsShang2
153554703(256-206 BCE) China gets its name from this dynasty. Also Emperor Shi Huangdi lived during this time and started work on the Great Wall of China. Also there is a stron centralized government and a policy of legalism existed. There was a new written legal code and the 1st books were burned. Finally it was when the civil service exam was started (the 1st one was based on merit)Qin3
153554704(206 BCE-220 CE) This dynasty was when the Roman Republic ended and the Roman Empire began. The silk road connect the Mediterranean world (Greece and Rome) to China. The Analects become very popular and filial piety is a big part of life. Confucious is promotedHan4
153554705(581-618 CE) The only two rulers in this dynasty were father and son and through conscripted labor built the Grand Canal connecting the two main rivers.Sui5
153554706(618-906 CE) This dynasty had the most stable government and was considered a hyper-empire. They had the highest literacy and they bring back the C.S.E. Printing was also invented 600 years before Europe and porcelain as well. Finally foot binding was started. This was the time of Li Bo and the first empress, Empress Wu.Tang6
153554707(960-1279 CE) During this dynasty there is a shift in trade. Maritime trade becomes much more important, and the economy grows because of this. Foot binding is popular and China becomes to start getting left behind. The C.S.E continues but only in Manderin.Song7
153554708(1279-1368 CE) This was the Mongol dynasty. This is the time of the Pax Mongolica, where people are given safe passage through the silk road. The capital is moved to Beijing and Kublai Khan gives jobs to mongols and foreigners. The Mongols try to invade Japan but the Kamikaze Winds save them from the MongolsYuan8
153554709(1368-1644 CE) This dynasty brought emperor Yongol who hated Mongols and rebuilt the Forbidden City. Also the time of Zheng He who went on 7 expeditions, and after finally closing their borders and finishing the Great Wall of China, they get majorly left behind.Ming9
153554710(1644-1912 CE) This dynasty had 300 to 400 million people living in China because of a population boom. This dynasty was run by the Manchu people and 50% of jobs went to Manchu people and 50% went to Chinese people. This is also the time of the opium wars where Britian wins and gets Hong Kong . Puyi was the last Chinese emperor.Ching10
153554711(1912-1949 CE) This consisted of three groups: the nationalistic party, the traditionalists and the communists. Yi-Yian is the head of the nationalistic partyChinese Republic11
153554712(1949-Present)Communist China12

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