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14, the reformation

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2909343653 main things that damaged prestige of the church1. papal conflict w/ Fredrick II (Germ emp) 2. Babylonian Captivity 3. Great Schism
290934366Authors who poked fun at the churchMachiavelli Erasmus praise of folly Chaucer canteburry tales Boccacio decameron
290934367Signs of disorder in the churchClerical immorality Clerical ignorance (priests dumb & ppl in charge not knowing/caring) Clerical pluralism & absenteeism
290934368Clerical Absenteeismthe clergy not performing their duties ~Wolsey: Chancellor of Henry 8 - ~Archbish of York, 15 yrs b4 went to church ~DuPrat: Diplomat Louis 12 - ~Archbish of Sens 1st time @ funeral
290940928Clerical Pluralismthe clergy holding multiple offices ex: Italian officials & curia "worked" in Spain, Eng, Germ at the same time corrupt becauseChurch = $$$ Kings rewarded officials giving church jobs=$
290940929Princely popesCareless like princes A. Italian 1. Pius II--- edu worker & romance writer 2 .Sixtus IV--- Sistine chapel & sponsored lots artists 3. Innocent VIII- Luxury & scandal 4. Leo X (Medici): Patron of arts Corrupt 5. Julius II: fought w/ Italy in French Invasion (not bad) B. Spain: 1. Alexander (Borgia) VI--- mistress & child public ~Synonym for corrupt
290940930Signs of vitality in the church1. Cardinal Jimenez 2. Brethren of common life 3. Oratories of divine love
290940931Describe Martin Luther's early life~German Augustinian Friar ~Went to U of Erfurt ~Dad was miner wanted him to be lawyer ~Went to montasery to become priest ~got Doctorate of theology ~Prof @ U of Wittenburg ~ Anxious and neurotic ~cuz disobeyed father & 10 commandment ~Pondered the meaning of life
290940932According to Martin Luther how do you achieve salvation? where did he get that idea from?Not penances and rituals, = BELIEF IN G'D John Staupiz from St Pauls
290940933Indulgences definition and their basis when did they start, what did they become?DEF: Penances for sins assigned by church Principles 1. Gd is merciful & just 2. Christ & Sts made treasury of merits 3. Christ can assign spiritual benefits of these merits ~Started 1100s w/ crusades ~middle ages = total cure of earthly sins ($--> heaven)
290940934John Fredrick of Saxonyone of the 7 electors of Germany Forbade indulges in Wittenburg Legally saved ML
290952969Albert of MainzHired by Pope Leo X to borrow money from the Fuggers and pay them back in indulgences because the pope wanted to build the Bascilica 1. Archbish of Madgeburg 2. Also See of Halberstadt 3. Archbish of Mainz
290952970Friar TerztalClever friar who was hired by Albert of Mainz to sell indulgences in Germany as part of Leo X's plan to buy the basilica
29095297195 Thesis1517 on all sts day (10/31) Translated from Latin to German On the pope's door By martin luther & was excommunicated ~Attacked Church ~NO BIBLE BASIS FOR INDULGENCES
290952972Do tableÁDfdgftgj5tûfdfsjøIlIllIllIlllIllIIlIIIllIlIlIlI
290952973Who did ML's beliefs appeal to?1. Gov resented church's priveleges ~No taxes, responsibility but $$$$$$ 2. Smart people didnt like poor qulaity and irreg services 3. Peasants ~Luther was peasant & supported peasant cause ~"On Christian Liberties" 4. Women: No more confession & marriage is career (home kids $) Clergy allowed to marry (sex ok if married)
290952974Revolt of 1525~Swabian peasants wrote 12 articles --complaining ~Luther didnt support violence & wrote: Against the Murdering, Thieving Hordes of Peasants ~75000 peasants killed in revolt ~Strengthened lay rulers, peasant's $ better
290952975ML's WorksCatecisms: Originally for pastors but everyone read Based 10 commandments 1. Larger Catechism-short sermons 2. Shorter Catechism- concise q&a 3. Against the Murdering, Thieving Hordes of Peasants 4. On Christian Liberties
290952976Golden BullLegalized aristocrat rule in gov in Germany ~7 electors over 7 territories
290958005What effects did the marriage of Maximilian I and Mary have?~Made Habsburg internat pwr ~ Angered French (Lous XII)
290958006Treaty of Arras~Made Burgundy part of France (but not in practice) ~Louis XII Couldn't kick out Habsburgs (in Germ battlegrounds)
290958007What was going on in Germany during the reformation?~Weak borders & chronic disorder ~New Testament to cause national pride ~ML Urged princes to abolish indulgences ~Authorities saw benefits in protestantism
290958008Charles V~Thought he would make world monarchy ~Last Medieval Emp ~ VERY CATHOLIC ~Didnt think two faiths would mesh peacefully ~Controled Flem Span, Ital, Turk etc ~Habsburg 1st priority
290958009Habsburg Valois WarsHRE v. France over marriage France trying to divide Germany, so Francis I supported Lutherism
290958010Peace of Augsburg1555 ~Each Prince chose religion for territory ~Ppl had to convert of leave ~N and Central Germ=Lutheran ~S Germ = Catholic
290958011Why did the Catholic king of France support Lutherism?It pressured Charles & divided Germ
290958338Who was to blame for disintegration of Church?Charles V and the German Princes
290969580~Preacher:edu men must deliver 100 sermons/yr Sermon not eucharist= central part of service
290973187Card Jimenez- High Standards for clergy in Spain
290973188Brethren of Common Life:Simple& Charitable ~stressed scriptures in spiritual life ~Founded by Thomas A Kempis
290973189Imitation of Christby Thomas A Kempis about Brethren of Common Life
290973190Oratories of divine loveIn Italy Charitable & prayer ~Made orphanages
291310666Which European countries converted to protestantismScandinavia,;/Eng (not M. Tudor) Scotlan, Geneva, Zurich, Strasburg (Germ)
291310667John Calvin~French ~Studied law ~Religious crisis (converted to protestantism) 1533 ~Believed G'd sent him to reform
291310668Genevan Consistory~12 laymen & & Co. of pastors ~Calvin=moderator/presider - ~Powerful w/ eyes to punish ppl out of line ~Women involved~Model for presbyterian church Scot, France, Eng, New Eng Punishments for:~Drinking, gambling, blasphemy, absence from sermons, - adultery, fam conflict ~SEVERE heresy = torture, banish, execute
291339692Servetus~Spanish reformer Didnt believe in trinity ~Nor baptism til 20 ~Arrested by span inquistion ~Escaped--> Geneva & rearrested ~Burned @ stake
291339693Anabaptism~Comes from "to baptize again" ~Only adults can make choices bout religious faith ~Voluntary association of believers w/ inner light ~Few could receive inner light ~Believed in separation of church and state&relig liberty ~Pacifism & not forcing people to convert ~Persecuted
291339694Who did the anabaptists favor first?ML
291339695Who did the anabaptists Attract?women the poor
291339696What stemmed from anabaptism today?Quakers--pacifists ~Baptists---inner light ~Congregationalist --- democratic church ~Authors of US constitution-- separate church & state
291339697Lolards~14th century ~Anticlerical ~Stressed interpretation of the bible ~Small group ~Cloth workers attracted to them
291339698Tydale~Eng humanist ~visited Luther in Wittenburg ~Translated bible to Eng
291339699Why didn't pope clement grant the annulment?He didn't want to give ML any more ammunition that the church was corrupt esp after Charles V capture & Sack of Rome & since pope Julius gave Henry the right to marry his bro's widow
291364069Who did Henry want an annulment from why?Catherine of Aragon he was in love w/ Anne of Boyedyn
291364070Act of Restraint of Appeals:King>pwr papcy ~Though parliament
291364071Act for Submission of clergy:King= head of Eng church
291364072Henry's wives1. Catherine of Aragon 2. Anne Boyelyn --> Mary & Elizabeth the only children he kept 3. Jane Seymore --> dead newborn son 4,5,6,7,8
291364073Henry VIII on monasteries~Dissolved them ~Used $$ for war ~Land --> upper/middle class for $
291364074Pilgrimage of graceLargest multiclass rebellion ~1536 N Euro
291364075Rebellions E. Anglia & the West aboutOpposition to STATE-ORDERED religious changes
291364076Henry's Motives for the English reformationPersonal, Political, Social, $ ~Was Catholic, hired Protestant tutor for son--> literacy
291364077Cromwell under HenryVIIIBalanced $: ~Reformed & centralized kings: house, council, secriats, exechquer ~New departments of state ~$ from surpluses went --> liquid fund to balance $~more $ --> weaker departments
291364078Edward VI~Henry's sickly son ~Protestant influence on country
291364079~Thomas Cramer Book of Common Prayerhow Eng service is run under Edward VI
291364080Mary Tudor (bloody mary)~Catholic ~Catherine of Aragon's daughter ~Married Phillip of Spain ~Rescinded reformation laws ~Unpop in Eng ~Persecuted/executed hundreds of protestants ~Prots fled continent ~Died 1558
291364081Sister Elizabeth~Raised protestant ~Called Supreme Governor ofChurch of Eng etc... Didn't care about your faith just keep it quiet
291364082Elizabeth's settlementEarly legislation ~Wanted dignity of church ~Attend church or get fined $
291364083Elizabeth's Protestantness~Clergy can marry ~No monasteries ~39 articles--basic Eng Church tenets ~approved by bishops ~Services in English
291388518Elizabeth's catholicness~Bishops still in charge & traditional services
291388519anglican churchthe english church as founded by Elizabeth I
291388520The church of scotland before PrebsbytarianismVery Corrupt Supported Luther
291388521Scotlands government~Weak monarchy: James V & daughter= very catholic ~Indep nobles compete for pwr ~Supported reform
291388522John Knox~Worked w/ Calvin ~Wanted his Geneva ~Persuaded parliament to end Papal authority legally ~Established Prebstytarian Church of Scotland
291388523~Book of Common Orderby john knox liturgy directory for church
291388524Prebsbytarian values~Ministers not bishops ruled ~Mass abolished ~Dead if caught @ mass ~Calvinism & puritanism beliefs ~Preaching
291388525Ireland's view of English~Hated political & $ exploits ~Part of the Eng church through Eng parliament
291388526England's view of irishthought Irish were barbaric Only kept Irish cuz it would cost too much to kill all Sold monasteries for money to Eng even though majority of Irish ppl roman catholic
291388527Popes who were for reformJulius II: council of bishops,theologians Pope Paul II: Council of trent
291388528Danish Kings~Ruled over Swede, Norway, Denmark ~Established Lutheran churches
291388529Gustavus Vasa~Swedish nobleman 1520 ~Led revolt against Denmark and Sweden ~Became king & seized power of church & required bishop's loyalty to Swedish crown ~Consolidated Swedish monarchy
291388530Perritranslated bible -> Swedish
291388531Christian III~King of Denmark & Norway ~made Lutheran church ~Adopted Lutherism as state religion til 1814 (Danish influence
2913885321517-1547 Protestant:Eng, Scandin, Scot, Germ, France, Switz
291388533Counterreformation policyreconvert or DIE (Some reformers did the same)
291388534Why was the counter reform initially so slow?ppl preoccupied w/ complex Rome's politics
291388535Adrian VIDutch pope wanted to execute reformers through the word of god reigned 13 months
291388536Clement Medici~Into art more than religion ~1st allied Charles V --> Battle of Pavia Charles won ~Switched alliances to Francais I (France) ~Charles won again & captured Rome & Pope ~Papacy more concerned more w/ this than religion
291388537Alexander FernesePromised to hold council if elected ~Won --> Pope Paul III ~Hired Grandsons & great edu ppl as cardinals
291388538Council of Trent purposeTo reform church ~To reconcile w/ protestants ~Hard to do since they were fixated on scriptures
291388539What interfered w. relig debates @ council of trentInternational politics interfered w/ religious debates ~Charles V opposed discussions that isolated subjects ~Didnt want to lose more to France ~France wanted Germ divided
291388540Who attended council of trent?Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Ireland, very lil Germ
291388541~Centralizing tenet of council of trentAll acts of council required papal approval because Some bishops wanted council over papacy ~Could have divided church
291388542Achievements of the council of trentTridentine degrees Basis for Catholic faith, organization & practices 400 yrs Tridentine Decree Tametsi
291388543Tridentine degrees~Suppressed pluralism and absenteeism\ ~Forbade sale of indulgences ~No more concubines ~Bishops must go to religious house 1 evry 2 yrs ~Make a seminary for clergy training ~Were to look for poor w/ genuine relig callling ~Radical concept ~Emphasis on preaching & teaching uneducated
291388544Tridentine degree Tametsi~Ppl used to have secret "Clandestine" vows in private ~Would often lead to denial and property disputes ~Now ppl needed witnesses at least a parish priest
291388545New Religious Orders Major GoalEducation!!
291388546Ursuline Order of nunsFounded by Angela Merici---N. Itatly ~Worked w/ poor unedu & sick for many yrs ~Established it to combat heresy through christian edu ~Very prestigious ~Trained future wives and mothers ~Approved by Pope ~rapidly grew & spread to France and New World
291388547Iganatius LoyolaFounded society of Jesus ~Ex-Spanish solider ~Converted Asians Latin Amers and Indians to Catholicism Studied @ Salamanca & Paris
291388548Spiritual Exerciseby loyola religious insights
291388549Jesuits~@ 1st recruited mostly from wealthy merchants ~Pastoral prob ~Goal was to "Help Souls" ~Tight knot.... candidates 2 yr wait ~Chastity, Obedience, poverty, special vow to pontiff ~Very modern ,attracted many recruits ~Lived as monk ~Into educating poor ~End justifies the means ~Spied--> convert Japan, Brazil, Congo, N. Amer Made Europe more catholic
291388550The Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office~Pope Paul III established ~Pwr over inquisition
291388551The inquisition6 cardinals who can arrest, imprison, execute ~Under Card. Carraffa attacked heresy ~Against Calvinists ~Made Index of Prohibited books ~Not strong outside papal states
291388552VeniceBib publishing center Euro ~only cooperated w/ book law code to avoid insecurity

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