270937538 | adverb | describes verb, adjective, or adverb | |
270937539 | allegory | story with hidden meaning (EX Animal Farm) | |
270937540 | alliteration | susie sold sea shells | |
270937541 | allusion | reference to a well-known thing | |
270937542 | analogy | chair to table; cloud to sky | |
270937543 | anaphora | We shall not... We shall not... We shall not... | |
270937544 | anecdote | short story told to provide example | |
270937545 | antithesis | direct contrast of parallel word groupings (for contrast) | |
270937546 | aphorism | statement of general truth ("Without pain there is no gain") | |
270937547 | apostrophe | speaker directly addresses an inanimate object | |
270937548 | balanced sentence | ________ by structure, meaning or length | |
270937549 | chiasmus | parallels in opposite order (A B B A) -truth is the light and the light is the truth | |
270937550 | circular reasoning | argument thats examples circle the issue | |
270937551 | conceit | elaborate metaphor/simile comparing two very dissimilar things | |
270937552 | connotation | associations that occur when one hears a word | |
270937553 | cumulative sentence (loose sentence) | sentence that makes sense before actual ending | |
270937554 | ellipsis | deliberate omission of a word or words | |
270937555 | epiphany | sudden understanding | |
270937556 | epiplexis | rhetorical device speaker uses to convince one's audience | |
270937557 | euphemism | polite way of saying something | |
270937558 | foreshadowing | clues on future events | |
270937559 | hortatory subjunctive | statement urging others to join in an action | |
270937560 | hyperbole | BIG exaggeration | |
270937561 | hypophora | hypophora*** | |
270937562 | irony (ironic) | dramatic, situational, verbal | |
270937563 | litotes | understatement in which thing is affirmed by negative | |
270937564 | maxim | general truth spoken in concise way | |
270937565 | metaphor | compares two things w/o like or as | |
270937566 | metonomy | name of one subject that's substituted for another closely associated | |
270937567 | non sequitir | refers to a conclusion that might not be logical | |
270937568 | onomatopoeia | DING DONG / BANG | |
271304924 | oxymoron | jumbo shrimp | |
271304925 | parable | story that teaches a lesson (like an allegory) | |
271304926 | paradox | assertion that seems to make no sense but may have some hidden truth | |
271304927 | parallelism | repetition of a gramatical structure | |
271304928 | pathos | evokes sympathy | |
271304929 | periodic sentence | main idea or central complete thought is at the end of the sentence | |
271304930 | personification | give human characteristics to a nonhuman object | |
271304931 | polysyndeton | repetition of conjunctions in a series of coordinate words | |
271304932 | satiric | style of writing with humor | |
271304933 | simile | compares two things w/ like or as | |
271304934 | syllepsis | one word seems to be in the same grammatical relation to two or more words but, in fact, is not | |
271304935 | syllogism | if A is true and B is true, then C is true | |
271304936 | symbolism | object that has a special meaning | |
271304937 | synecdoche | metaphor in which a part of something is used to stand for the whole thing (EX All hands on deck) | |
271304938 | synesthesia | response of 2+ senses to the stimulation of one | |
271304939 | syntax | physical arranfement of words in a sentence | |
271304940 | understatement | saying less than is actually meant | |
271304941 | verb | what someone is doing | |
271304942 | verbal | looks like a verb but functions as another part of speech |