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2011-12 Semester One Final Exam Terms

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270937538adverbdescribes verb, adjective, or adverb
270937539allegorystory with hidden meaning (EX Animal Farm)
270937540alliterationsusie sold sea shells
270937541allusionreference to a well-known thing
270937542analogychair to table; cloud to sky
270937543anaphoraWe shall not... We shall not... We shall not...
270937544anecdoteshort story told to provide example
270937545antithesisdirect contrast of parallel word groupings (for contrast)
270937546aphorismstatement of general truth ("Without pain there is no gain")
270937547apostrophespeaker directly addresses an inanimate object
270937548balanced sentence________ by structure, meaning or length
270937549chiasmusparallels in opposite order (A B B A) -truth is the light and the light is the truth
270937550circular reasoningargument thats examples circle the issue
270937551conceitelaborate metaphor/simile comparing two very dissimilar things
270937552connotationassociations that occur when one hears a word
270937553cumulative sentence (loose sentence)sentence that makes sense before actual ending
270937554ellipsisdeliberate omission of a word or words
270937555epiphanysudden understanding
270937556epiplexisrhetorical device speaker uses to convince one's audience
270937557euphemismpolite way of saying something
270937558foreshadowingclues on future events
270937559hortatory subjunctivestatement urging others to join in an action
270937560hyperboleBIG exaggeration
270937562irony (ironic)dramatic, situational, verbal
270937563litotesunderstatement in which thing is affirmed by negative
270937564maximgeneral truth spoken in concise way
270937565metaphorcompares two things w/o like or as
270937566metonomyname of one subject that's substituted for another closely associated
270937567non sequitirrefers to a conclusion that might not be logical
270937568onomatopoeiaDING DONG / BANG
271304924oxymoronjumbo shrimp
271304925parablestory that teaches a lesson (like an allegory)
271304926paradoxassertion that seems to make no sense but may have some hidden truth
271304927parallelismrepetition of a gramatical structure
271304928pathosevokes sympathy
271304929periodic sentencemain idea or central complete thought is at the end of the sentence
271304930personificationgive human characteristics to a nonhuman object
271304931polysyndetonrepetition of conjunctions in a series of coordinate words
271304932satiricstyle of writing with humor
271304933similecompares two things w/ like or as
271304934syllepsisone word seems to be in the same grammatical relation to two or more words but, in fact, is not
271304935syllogismif A is true and B is true, then C is true
271304936symbolismobject that has a special meaning
271304937synecdochemetaphor in which a part of something is used to stand for the whole thing (EX All hands on deck)
271304938synesthesiaresponse of 2+ senses to the stimulation of one
271304939syntaxphysical arranfement of words in a sentence
271304940understatementsaying less than is actually meant
271304941verbwhat someone is doing
271304942verballooks like a verb but functions as another part of speech

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