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277006939Muslimfollower of Islam0
277006940Muhammadprophet of Islam; born c. 570 to Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh trip in Mecca; raised by father's family; received revelations from Allah in 610 C.E. and thereafter; died in 6321
277006941IslamMajor world religion having its origins in 610 C.E. in the Arabian peninsula; meaning literally submission; based on prophecy of Muhammad2
277006942Five pillarsthe obligator religious duties of all Muslims; confession of faith, prayer, fasting during Ramadan, zakat, and hajj3
277006943Bedouinnomadic patoralists of the Arabian peninsula; culture based on camel and goat nomadism; early converts to Islam4
277006944Shaykhsleaders of tribes and clans within Bedouin society; usually men with large herds, several wives, and many children5
277006945Meccacity located in mountainous region along Red Sea in Arabian peninsula; founded by Umayyad clan of Quraysh; site of Ka'ba; orginal home of Muhammad; location of chief religious pilgrimage point in Islam6
277006946Medinaalso known as Yathrib; town located northeast of Mecca; grew date palms whose fruit was sold to Bedouins; became refuge for Muhammad following flight from Mecca7
277006947Abu BakrMuhammad's earliest follower and closest friend, caliph from 632 to 6348
277006948Battle of Siffinfought in 657 between forces of Ali and Umayyads; settled by negotiation that led to fragmentation of Ali's party9
277006949JihadIslamic holy war10
277006950Mu'awiyanew leader of Umayyads in 660, proclaimed as caliph in Jerusalem, directly challenging Ali's position11
277006951MawaliNon-Arab converts to Islam12
277006952Dhimmiliterally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive tern to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus13
277006953Battle on the River Zabvictory of Abbasids over Umayyads; resulted in conquest of Syria and capture of Umayyad capital14
277006954Ayanthe wealthy landed elite that emerged in the early decades of Abbasid rule15
277006955CharlemagneCharles the Great; Carolingian monarch who established substantial empire in France and Germany c. 80016
277006956Pope Urban IIled the first crusade and appealed to Christians to mount the military assault to free the holy land from the Muslims17
277006957Manorswhere peasants lived; land owned by the lord; peasants worked on manor and did chores for the lords such as farming, etc.18
277006958Feudalismthe social organization created by exchanging grants of land or fiefs in return for formal oaths of allegiance and promises of loyal service; typical of Zhou dynasty and European Middle Ages; greater lords provided protection to lesser lords in return for military service19
277006959Manoralismsystem that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the Middle Ages; involved a hierarchy of reciprocal obligations that exchanged labor or rents for access to land20
277006960Serfspeasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system of the middle Ages21
277006961Three-field systemsystem of agriculture cultivation by 9th century in western Europe; included one-third in spring grains, one-third fallow22
277006962Clovis St. Benedictearly Frankish king; converted Franks to Christianity c. 496; allowed establishment of Frankish kingdom23
277006963Charles Martel(Charles the Hammer) responsible for defeating the Muslims in the battle of Tours in 73224
277006964CharlemagneCharles the Great; Carolingian monarch who established substantial empire in France and Germany c. 80025
277006965William the ConquerorInvaded England from Normandy in 1066; extended tight feudal system to England; established administrative system based on sheriffs; established centralize monarchy26
277006966Magna CartaGreat Charter issued by King John of England in 1215; confirmed feudal rights against monarchical claims; represented principle of mutual limits and obligations between rulers and feudal aristocracy27
277006967Crusadesseries of military adventures initially launched by western Christians to free Holy Land from Muslims; temporarily succeeded in capturing Jerusalem and establishing Christian kingdoms; later used for other purposes such as commercial wars and extermination of heresy28
277006968Quetzalcoat lToltec deity; Feathered Serpent; adopted by Aztecs as a major god29
277006969HuitzilopochtliAztec tribal patron god; central figure of cult of human sacrifice and warfare; identified with old sun god30
277006970Topiltzinreligious leader and reformer of the Toltecs; dedicated to god Quetzalcoatl; after losing struggle for power, went into exile in the Yucatan peninsula.31
277006971Nezhualcoyotlleading Aztec king of the 15th century32
277006972Human SacrificeAztecs used this to worship gods; when human sacrifices were low, they used war captives33
277006973Wendimember of prominent northern Chinese family during period of Six Dynasties; proclaimed himself emperor; supported by nomadic peoples of northern China; established Sui dynasty34
277006974Yangdisecond member of Sui dynasty; murdered his fater to gain throne; restored Confucian examination system; responsible for construction of Chinese canal system; assassinated in 61835
277006975Li Yuanalso known as Duke of Tang; took over empire following assassination of Yangdi; first emperor of Tang dynsty; took imperial title of Gaozu36
277006976Jinshititle granted to students who passed the most difficult Chinese examination on all of Chinese literature; became immediate dignitaries and eligible for high office37
277006977Pure land Buddhismemphasized Salvationist aspects of Chinese Buddhism; popular among masses of Chinese society38
277006978Chan Buddhismknown as Zen in Japan; stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and artistic beauty; popular with members of elite Chinese society39
277006979Empress WuTang ruler 690-705 C.E. in China; supported Buddhist establishment; tried to elevate Buddhism to state religion; had multistory statues of Buddha created40
277006980Empress Weipoisoned her husband who was a ruler during the Tang dynasty, so that her son may take over as ruler41
277006981WuzongChinese emperor of Tang dynasty who openly persecuted Buddhism by destroying monasteries in 840's; reduced influence of Chinese Buddhism in favor of Confucian ideology42
277006982NeoConfucian- revived ancient Confucian teachings in Song era China; great impact on the dynasties that followed; their emphasis on tradition and hostility to foreign systems made Chinese rulers and bureaucrats less receptive to outside ideas and influences43
277006983Wang AnshiConfucian scholar and chief minister of a Song emperor in 1070s; introduced sweeping reforms based on Legalists; advocated greater state intervention in society44
277006984Zhu XiMost prominent of neo- Conucian scholars during the Song dynasty in China; stressed importance of applying philosophical principles of everyday life and action45
277006985Foot bindingpractice in Chinses society to mutilate women's feet in order to make them smaller; produced pain and restricted women's movements; made it easier to confine women to the household46
277006986Xuanzongleading Chinese emperor of the Tang dynasty who reigned from 713 to 755 though he encourage overexpansion47
277006987St. Benedictstarted a monastary with Italian peasants who lived away from the worship of Apollo48

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